Computers, with their ubiquitous presence, have ceased to be a wonder they once were.
Their usage is pervasive. Information access and delivery from, and to, a remote location
via internet is common. Today many societal services like railway time-table or election
results are rendered through computers. The notion of electronic commerce has given
fillip to provisioning commercial services as well. Most individuals use computers to
store private information at home and critical professional information at work. They also
use computers to access information from other computers anywhere on the net. In this
kind of scenario, information is the key resource and needs to be protected.
The OS, being the system's resource regulator, must provide for security mechanisms. It
must not only secure the information to protect the privacy but also prevent misuse of
system resources. Unix designers had aimed to support large-scale program development
and team work. The main plank of design was flexibility and support tools. The idea was
to promote creation of large programs through cooperative team efforts. All this was long
before 9/11. Security has become a bigger issue now. Much of Unix provisioning of
services was with the premise that there are hardly, if any, abuses of system. So, Unix
leaves much to be desired in respect of security. And yet, Unix has the flexibility to
augment mechanisms that primarily protect users resources like files and programs. Unix
incorporates security through two mechanisms, user authentication and access control.
We shall elaborate on both these aspects and study what could be adequate security
measures. We begin with some known security breaches. That helps to put security
measures in proper perspective.
9.1 Security Breaches
We first need to comprehend the types of security breaches that may happen. Breaches
may happen with malicious intent or may be initiated by users inadvertently, or
accidentally. They may end up committing a security breach through a mis-typed
command or ill understood interpretation of some command. In both these instances the
OS must protect the interest of legitimate users of the system. Unix also does not rule out
a malicious access with the intent to abuse the system. It is well known that former
disgruntled employees often attempt access to systems to inflict damages or simply
corrupt some critical information. Some malicious users' actions may result in one of the
following three kinds of security breaches:
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1. Disclosure of information.
2. Compromising integrity of data.
3. Denial of service to legitimate users of the system.
To launch an attack, an attacker may correctly guess a weak password of a legitimate
user. He can then access the machine and all HW and SW resources made available to
that user. Note that a password is an intended control (a means to authenticate a user) to
permit legitimate access to system resources. Clearly, a malicious user may employ
password racking methods with the explicit intent to bypass the intended controls. He
may access classified information and may also misuse the system resources. An un
authorized access ay be launched to steal precious processor cycles resulting in denial of
service. Or, he may be able to acquire privileged access to modify critical files corrupting
sensitive data. This would be an act of active misuse. Some activities like watching the
traffic on a system or browsing without modifying files may be regarded as an act of
passive misuse. Even this is a breach of security as it does lead to disclosure. It may
result in some deterioration, albeit not noticeable, in the overall services as well.
9.1.1 Examples of Security Breaches
Here we shall discuss a few well known attacks that have happened and have been
recorded. Study of these examples helps us to understand how security holes get created.
Besides, it helps us to determine strategies to plug security holes as they manifest. Next
we describe a few attack scenarios. Not all of these scenarios can be handled by OS
control mechanisms. Nonetheless, it is very revealing to see how the attacks happen.
�� External Masquerading: This is the case of unauthorized access. The access
may be via a communication media tap, recording and playback. For instance, a
login session may be played back to masquerade another user. The measures
require a network-based security solution.
�� Pest Programs: A malicious user may use a pest program to cause a subsequent
harm. Its effect may manifest at some specified time or event. The Trojan horse
and virus attacks fall in this category. The main difference between a Trojan horse
and a virus is that, a virus is a self reproducing program. Some virus writers have
used the Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program facility in Micro-soft
environments to launch such attacks. The pest programs require internal controls
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to counter. Generally, the time lag helps the attacker to cover the tracks.
Typically, a virus propagation involves the following steps:
�� Remote copy: In this step a program is copied to a remote machine.
�� Remote execute: The copied program is instructed to execute. The step requires
repeating the previous step on the other connected machine, thereby propagating
the virus.
�� Bypassing internal controls: This is achieved usually by cracking passwords, or
using compiler generated attack to hog or deny resources.
�� Use a given facility for a different purpose: This form of attack involves use of
a given facility for a purpose other than it was intended for. For example, in Unix
we can list files in any directory. This can be used to communicate secret
information without being detected. Suppose `userB' is not permitted to
communicate or access files of `userA'. When `userB' access files of `userA' he
will always get a message permission denied. However, `userA' may name his
files as atnine, tonight, wemeet. When `userB' lists the files in the directory of
`userA' he gets the message “at nine tonight we meet", thereby defeating the
access controls.
�� Active authority misuse: This happens when an administrator (or an individual)
abuses his user privileges. A user may misuse the resources advanced to him in
good faith and trust. An administrator may falsify book keeping data or a user
may manipulate accounts data or some unauthorized person may be granted an
access to sensitive information.
�� Abuse through inaction: An administrator may choose to be sloppy (as he may
be disgruntled) in his duties and that can result in degraded services.
�� Indirect abuse: This does not quite appear like an attack and yet it may be. For
instance, one may work on machine `A' to crack a protection key on machine `B'.
It may appear as a perfectly legal study on machine `A' while the intent is to break
the machine `B' internal controls.
We next discuss the commonly used methods of attacks. It is recommended to try a few
of these in off-line mode. With that no damage to the operating environment occurs nor is
the operation of an organization affected.
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�� The Password spoof program: We consider the following Trojan horse and the
effect it generates. It is written in a Unix like command language.
trap '' 1 2 3 5 15
echo $B1
sleep 1
echo ''
echo $B2
read dest
echo 'login:
read login
stty -echo
echo 'password:
read password
stty echo
echo ''
echo $login $passwd >> spooffile
echo 'login incorrect'
exec login
The idea is quite simple. The program on execution leaves a login prompt
on the terminal. To an unsuspecting user it seems the terminal is available
for use. A user would login and his login session with password shall be
simply copied on to spooffile. The attacker can later retrieve the login
name and password from the spooffile and now impersonate the user.
�� Password theft by clever reasoning: In the early days passwords in Unix
systems were stored in an encrypted form under /etc/password. The current
practice of using a shadow file will be discussed later. So, in early days, the safety
of password lay in the difficulty associated with decrypting just this file. So
attackers used to resort to a clever way of detecting passwords. One such attack
was through an attempt to match commonly used mnemonics, or use of
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convenient word patterns. Usually, these are words that are easy to type or recall.
The attacker generated these and used the encrypting function to encrypt them.
Once the encrypted pattern matched, the corresponding password was
�� Logic Bomb: A logic bomb is usually a set-up like the login spoof described
earlier. The attacker sets it up to go off when some conditions combine to happen.
It may be long after the attacker (a disgruntled employee for instance) has quit the
organization. This may leave no trail. Suppose we use an editor that allows setting
of parameters to OS shell, the command interpreter. Now suppose one sets up a
Unix command rm *.* and puts it in a file called EditMe and sends it over to the
system administrator. If the system administrator opens the file and tries to edit
the file, it may actually remove all the files unless he opens it in a secure
Also, if the administrator attempts opening this as a user, damage would be less,
compared to when he opens it as a root.
�� Scheduled File Removal: One of the facilities available on most OSs is
scheduled execution of a program or a shell script. Under Unix this is done by
using at command. A simple command like : rm -f /usr at 0400 saturday attack
This can result in havoc. The program may be kept in a write protected directory
and then executed at some specified time. The program recursively removes files
without diagnostic messages from all users under usr.
�� Field Separator Attack: The attack utilizes some OS features. The following
steps describe the attack :
1. The attacker redefines the field separator to include backslash character so
that path names such as /coo/koo are indistinguishable from coo koo.
2. The attacker knowing that some system program, say sysprog, uses
administrative privilege to open a file called /coo/koo creates a program
coo and places it in an accessible directory. The program is coded to
transfer privileges from the system to the user via a copied OS shell.
3. The attacker invokes sysprog which will try to open /coo/koo with the
administrative privileges but will actually open the file coo since the field
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separator has been redefined. This will have the desired effect of
transferring privileges to the user, just as the attacker intended.
�� Insertion of Compiler Trojan Horse: To launch an attack with a very widely
distributed effect an attacker may choose a popular filtering program based Trojan
horse. A compiler is a good candidate for such an attack. To understand an attack
via a compiler Trojan horse, let us first describe how a compiler works:
Compile: get (line);
Translate (line);
A real compiler is usually more complex than the above description. Even this
models a lexical analysis followed by the translating phases in a compiler. The
objective of the Trojan horse would be to look for some patterns in the input
programs and replace these with some trap door that will allow the attacker to
attack the system at a later time. Thus the operation gets modified to:
Compile : get (line);
if line == "readpwd(p)" then translate (Trojan horse insertion)
translate (line);
�� The Race Condition Attack: A race condition occurs when two or more
operations occur in an undefined manner. Specifically, the attacker attempts to
change the state of the file system between two file system operations. Usually,
the program expects these two operations to apply to the same file, or expects the
information retrieved to be the same. If the file operations are not atomic, or do
not reference the same file this cannot be guaranteed without proper care.
In Solaris 2.x's ps utility had a security hole that was caused by a race condition.
The utility would open a temporary file, and then use the chown() system call
with the file's full path to change its ownership to root. This sequence of events
was easily exploitable. All that an attacker now had to do was to first slow down
the system, and find the file so created, delete it, and then slip in a new SUID
world writable file. Once the new file was created with that mode and with the
ownership changed by chown to root by the insecure process, the attacker simply
copies a shell into the file. The attacker gets a root shell.
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The problem was that the second operation used the file name and not the file
descriptor. If a call to fchown() would have been used on the file descriptor
returned from the original open() operation, the security hole would have been
avoided. File names are not unique. The file name /tmp/foo is really just an entry
in the directory /tmp. Directories are special files. If an attacker can create, and
delete files from a directory the program cannot trust file names taken from it. Or,
to look at it in a more critical way, because the directory is modifiable by the
attacker, a program cannot trust it as a source of valid input. Instead it should use
file descriptors to perform its operations. One solution is to use the sticky bit (see
Aside). This will prevent the attacker from removing the file, but not prevent the
attacker from creating files in the directory. See below for a treatment of symbolic
link attacks.
An Aside: Only directories can have sticky bit set. When a directory has the
sticky bit turned on, anyone with the write permission can write (create a file) to
the directory, but he cannot delete a file created by other users.
�� The Symlink Attack: A security hole reported for SUN's license manager
stemmed from the creation of a file without checking for symbolic links (or soft
links). An open() call was made to either create the file if it did not exist, or open
it if it did exist. The problem with a symbolic link is that an open call will follow
it and not consider the link to constitute a created file. So if one had /tmp/foo.
symlinked to /.rhosts or "/root/.rhosts ), the latter file would be transparently
opened. The license manager seemed to have used the O_CREAT flag with the
open call making it create the file if it did not exist. To make matters worse, it
created the file with world writable permissions. Since it ran as root, the .rhosts
file could be created, written to, and root privileges attained.
9.2 Attack Prevention Methods
Attack prevention may be attempted at several levels. These include individual screening
and physical controls in operations. Individual screening would require that users are
screened to authenticate themselves and be responsible individuals. Physical controls
involve use of physical access control. Finally, there are methods that may require
configuration controls. We shall begin the discussion on the basic attack prevention with
the defenses that are built in Unix. These measures are directed at user authentication and
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file access control.
9.2.1 User Authentication
First let us consider how a legitimate user establishes his identity to the system to access
permitted resources. This is achieved typically by username/password pair. When the
system finishes booting, the user is prompted for a username and then a password in
succession. The password typed is not echoed to the screen for obvious reasons. Once the
password is verified the user is given an interactive shell from where he can start issuing
commands to the system. Clearly, choosing a clever password is important. Too simple a
password would be an easy give away and too complex would be hard to remember.
So how can we choose a nice password?
Choosing a good password: A malicious user usually aims at obtaining a complete
control over the system. For this he must acquire the superuser or root status. Usually, he
attacks vulnerable points like using badly installed software, bugs in some system
software or human errors. There are several ways to hack a computer, but most ways
require extensive knowledge. A relatively easier way is to log in as a normal user and
search the system for bugs to become superuser. To do this, the attacker will have to have
a valid user code and password combination to start with. Therefore, it is of utmost
importance that all users on a system choose a password which is quite difficult to guess.
The security of each individual user is closely related to the security of the whole system.
Users often have no idea how a multi-user system works and do not realize that by
choosing an easy to remember password, they indirectly make it possible for an attacker
to manipulate the entire system. It is essential to educate the users well to avoid
lackadaisical attitudes. For instance, if some one uses a certain facility for printing or
reading some mails only, he may think that security is unimportant. The problem arises
when someone assumes his identity. Therefore, the users should feel involved with the
security of the system. It also means that it is important to notify the users of the security
guidelines. Or at least make them understand why good passwords are essential.
Picking good passwords: We will look at some methods for choosing good passwords.
A typical good password may consist up to eight characters. This means passwords like
`members only' and `members and guests' may be mutually inter-changeable. A password
should be hard to guess but easy to remember. If a password is not easy to remember then
users will be tempted to write down their password on yellow stickers which makes it
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futile. So, it is recommended that a password should not only have upper or lowercase
alphabets, but also has a few non-alphanumeric characters in it. The non-alphanumeric
characters may be like (%,,*, =) etc. The use of control characters is possible, but not all
control characters can be used, as that can create problems with some networking
protocols. We next describe a few simple methods to generate good passwords.
�� Concatenate two words that together consist of seven characters and that have no
connection to each other. Concatenate them with a punctuation mark in the
middle and convert some characters to uppercase like in 'abLe+pIG'.
�� Use the first characters of the words of not too common a sentence. From the
sentence “My pet writers are Wodehouse and Ustinov", as an example, we can
create password “MpwaW+U!”. Note in this case we have an eight-character
password with uppercase characters as well as punctuation marks.
�� Alternatively, pick a consonant and one or two vowels resulting in a
pronounceable (and therefore easy to remember) word like 'koDuPaNi'.
This username/password information is kept traditionally in the /etc/passwd file,
commonly referred to simply as the password file. A typical entry in the password file is
shown below:
There are nine colon separated fields in the above line. They respectively refer to the user
name, password x (explained later), UID, GID, the GECOS field 1, home directory and
users' default shell. In the early implementations of the Unix, the password information
was kept in the passwd file in plain text. The passwd file has to be world readable as
many programs require to authenticate themselves against this file. As the expected trust
level enhanced, it became imperative to encrypt the password as well. So, the password
field is stored in an encrypted format. Initially, the crypt function was used extensively to
do this. As the speed of the machines increased the encrypted passwords were rendered
useless by the brute force techniques. All a potential attacker needed to do is to get the
passwd file and then do a dictionary match of the encrypted password. This has led to
another innovation in the form of the shadow suite of programs. In modern systems
compatible with the shadow suite the password information is now kept in the
/etc/shadow file and the password field in the passwd file is filled with an x (as indicated
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above). The actual encrypted password is kept in the /etc/shadow file in the following
format :
The second field here is the password in an md5 hash 2. The other fields relate to special
features which the shadow suite offers. It offers facilities like aging of the passwords,
enforcing the length of the passwords etc. The largest downside to using the shadow
passwords is the difficulty of modifying all of the programs that require passwords from
the appropriate file to use /etc/shadow instead. Implementing other new security
mechanisms presents the same difficulty. It would be ideal if all of these programs used a
common framework for authentication and other security related measures, such as
checking for weak passwords and printing the message of the day.
Pluggable authentication modules Red Hat and Debian Linux distributions ship with
“Pluggable Authentication Modules" (PAM for short) and PAM-aware applications.
PAM offers a flexible framework which may be customized as well. The basic PAMbased
security model is shown in Figure 9.1. Essentially, the figure shows that one may
have multiple levels of authentication, each invoked by a separate library module. PAM
aware applications use these library modules to authenticate. Using PAM modules, the
administrator can control exactly how authentication may proceed upon login. Such
authentications go beyond the traditional /etc/passwd file checks. For instance, a certain
application may require the pass-word as well as a form of bio-metric authentication. The
basic strategy is to incorporate a file (usually called /etc/pam.d/login) which initiates a
series of authentication checks for every login attempt. This file ensures that a certain
authentication check sequence is observed. Technically, the library modules may be
selectable. These selections may depend upon the severity of the authentication required.
The administrator can customize the needed choices in the script. At the next level, we
may even have an object based security model in which every object access would
require authentication for access, as well as methods invocation.
For now we shall examine some typical security policies and how Unix translates
security policies in terms of access control mechanisms.
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9.2.2 Security Policy and Access Control
Most access control mechanisms emanate from a stated security policy. It is important to
learn to design a security policy and offer suitable access mechanisms that can support
security policies. Security policy models have evolved from many real-life operating
scenarios. For instance, if we were to follow a regime of defense forces, we may resort to
a hierarchy based policy. In such a policy, the access to resources shall be determined by
associating ranks with users. This requires a security-related labeling on information to
permit access. The access is regulated by examining the rank of the user in relation to the
security label of the information being sought. For a more detailed discussion the reader
may refer where there is a discussion on how to specify security policies as well.
If we were to model the security policies based on commercial and business practices or
the financial services model, then data integrity would take a very high precedence. This
like, the accounts and audit practices, preserves the integrity of data at all times. In
practice, however, we may have to let the access be governed by ownership (who own
the information) and role definitions of the users. For instance, in an organization, an
individual user may own some information but some critical information may be owned
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by the institution. Also, its integrity should be impregnable. And yet the role of a system
manager may require that he has access privileges which may allow him a free reign in
running the system smoothly.
Almost all OSs provide for creating system logs of usage. These logs are extremely
useful in the design of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). The idea is quite simple. All
usages of resources are tracked by the OS and recorded. On analysis of the recorded logs
it is possible to determine if there has been any misuse. The IDS helps to detect if a
breach has occurred. Often this is after the event has taken place. To that extent the IDS
provides a lot of input in designing security tools. With IDS in place one can trace how
the attack happened. One can prevent attacks from happening in future. A full study and
implementation of IDS is beyond the scope of this book. We would refer the reader to
Amoroso's recent book on the subject.
Defenses in Unix: Defenses in Unix are built around the access control 3. Unix's access
control is implemented through its file system. Each file (or directory) has a number of
attributes, including a file name, permission bits, a UID and a GID. The UID of a file
specifies its owner. In Chapter 2, we had explained that the permission bits are used to
specify permissions to read (r), write (w), and execute (x). These permissions are
associated with every file of every user, for the members of the user's group, and for all
other users of that system. For instance, the permission string rwxr-x--x specifies that the
owner may read, write and execute, the user's group members are allowed to read and
execute it, while all the other users of the system may be permitted to only execute this
file. A dash (`-') in the permission set indicates that the access rights are not permitted.
Furthermore, each process in Unix has an effective and a real UID as well as an effective
and a real GID associated with it. The real UID (and GID) are the primary identifications
that Unix systems continually maintain based on the identifications assigned at the time
of accounts creation. However, access rights and privileges evolve over time. The
effective identifications precisely reflect that. A process's effective identification
indicates the access privileges. Whenever a process attempts to access a file, the kernel
will use the process's effective UID and GID to compare them with the UID and the GID
associated with the file to decide whether or not to grant the request.
As we stated earlier, Unix logs the systems' usage. Unix kernel, and system processes,
store pertinent information in the log files. The logs may be kept either locally, or
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centrally, on an network server. Sometimes logs are prepared for a fixed duration of time
(like for 1 to 30 days) or archived. The logs may be analyzed on-line or off-line on a
secured isolated system. An analysis on a secured isolated system has the advantage that
it cannot be modified by an attacker (to erase his trace). Also, the analysis can be very
detailed as this is the only purpose of such a system.
With the security concerns coming into focus, security standards have emerged. Usually
the security standards recommend achieving minimal assured levels of security through
some form of configuration management. Most OSs, Unix included, permit a degree of
flexibility in operations by appropriately configuring the system resources. In addition,
modern Unix systems support a fairly comprehensive type of auditing known as C2 audit.
This is so named because it fulfils the audit requirements for the TCSEC C2 security
Networking concerns: Realistically speaking almost all machines are networked. In any
case every machine has built-in network (NW) support. The default NW support is
TCP/IP or its variant. This is very assuring from the point of compatibility. The range of
NW services support includes remote terminal access and remote command execution
using rsh, rlogin commands and remote file transfer using ftp command. The remote
service soliciting commands are collectively known as the r commands. The NW File
System (NFS) is designed to offer transparency to determine the location of the file. This
is done by supporting mounting of a remote file as if it was on the local file system. In
fact, NFS technically supports multiple hosts to share files over a local area network
(LAN). The Network Information System (NIS), formally known as the Sun Yellow
Pages, enables hosts to share systems and NW databases. The NW databases contain data
concerning user account information, group membership, mail aliases etc. The NFS
facilitates centralized administration of the
file system. Basically, the r commands are not secure. There are many reasons why these
are insecure operations. We delineate some of these below.
�� The primary one being that Unix was designed to facilitate usage with a view to
cooperating in flexible ways. The initial design did not visualize a climate of
suspicion. So, they assumed that all hosts in the network are trusted to play by the
rules, e.g. any request arising out of a TCP/IP port below 1024 is considered to be
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�� These commands require a simple address-based authentication, i.e. the source
address of a request is used to decide whether or not to grant an access or offer a
�� They send clear text passwords over the network.
Now a days there are other better alternatives to the r commands, namely ssh, slogin and
scp, respectively, which use strong ssl public key infrastructure to encrypt their traffic.
Before an NFS client can access files on a file system exported by an NFS server, it needs
to mount the file system. If a mount operation succeeds, the server will respond with a
file handle, which is later used in all accesses to that file system in order to verify that the
request is coming from a legitimate client. Only clients that are trusted by the server are
allowed to mount a file system. The primary problem with NFS is the weak
authentication of the mount request. Usually the authentication is based on IP address of
the client machine. Note that it is not difficult to fake an IP address!!. So, one may
configure NIS to operate with an added security protocol as described below.
�� Ensure minimally traditional Unix authentication based on machine identification
and UID.
�� Augment data encryption standard (DES) authentication .
The DES authentication provides quite strong security. The authentication based on
machine identification or UID is used by default while using NFS. Yet another
authentication method based on Kerberos is also supported by NIS. The servers as well as
the clients are sensitive to attacks, but some are of the opinion that the real security
problem with NIS lies in the client side. It is easy for an intruder to fake a reply from the
NIS server. There are more secure replacements for the NIS as well (like LDAP), and
other directory services.
Unix security mechanisms rely heavily on its access control mechanisms. We shall study
the access control in more detail a little later. However, before we do that within the
broad framework of network concerns we shall briefly indicate what roles the regulatory
agencies play. This is because NWs are seen as a basic infrastructure.
Internet security concerns and role of security agencies: In USA, a federally funded
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) continuously monitors the types of
attacks that happen. On its site it offers a lot of advisory information. It even helps
organizations whose systems may be under attack. Also, there is critical infrastructure
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protection board within whose mandate it is to protect internet from attack. The National
Security Agency (NSA) acts as a watchdog body and influences such decisions as to what
level of security products may be shipped out of USA. The NSA is also responsible to
recommend acceptable security protocols and standards in USA. NSA is the major
security research agency in USA. For instance, it was NSA that made the
recommendation on product export restriction beyond a certain level of DES security (in
terms of number of bits).
In India too, we have a board that regulates IT infrastructure security. For instance, it has
identified the nature of Public Key Infrastructure. Also, it has identified organizations
that may offer security-related certification services. These services assure of
authentication and support non-repudiation in financial and legal transactions. It has set
standards for acceptable kind of digital signatures.
For now let us return to the main focus of this section which is on access control. We
begin with the perspective of file permissions.
File permissions: The file permissions model presents some practical difficulties. This is
because Unix generally operates with none or all for group permissions. Now consider
the following scenario:
There are three users with usernames Bhatt, Kulish, and Srimati and they belong to the
group users. Is there anyway for Bhatt to give access to a file that he owns to Kulish
alone. Unfortunately it is not possible unless Bhatt and Kulish belong to an identifiable
group (and only these two must be members of that group) of which Srimati is not a
member. To allow users to create their own groups and share files, there are programs
like sudo which the administrator can use to give limited superuser privileges to ordinary
users. But it is cumbersome to say the least. There is another option in the BSD family of
Unix versions, where a user must belong to the Wheel group to run programs like sudo or
su. This is where the Access Control Lists (ACLs) and the extended attributes come into
picture. Since access control is a major means of securing in Unix we next discuss that.
More on access control in Unix: Note that in Unix all information is finally in the form of
a file. So everything in Unix is a file. All the devices are files (one notable exception
being the network devices and that too for historical reasons). All data is kept in the form
of files. The configuration for the servers running on the system is kept in files. Also, the
authentication information itself is stored as files. So, the file system's security is the
Operating Systems/OS and Security Lecture Notes
PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M9/V1/June 04/16
most important aspect in Unix security model. Unix provides access control of the
resources using the two mechanisms:
(a) The file permissions, uid, gid.
(b) User-name and password authentication.
The file access permissions determine whether a user has access permissions to seek
requested services. Username and password authentication is required to ensure that the
user is who he claims to be. Now consider the following rwx permissions for user, group
and others.
$ ls -l
drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Apr 12 08:03 directory
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user group 159 Apr 20 07:59 sample2e.aux
The first line above shows the file permissions associated with the file identified as a
directory. It has read, write and execute permission for the user and his group and read
and execute for others. The first letter `d' shows that it is a directory which is a file
containing information about other files. In the second line the first character is empty
which indicates that it is a regular file. Occasionally, one gets to see two other characters
in that field. These are `s' and `l', where `s' indicates a socket and `l' indicates that the file
is a link. There are two kinds of links in Unix. The hard link and the soft link (also known
as symbolic links). A hard link is just an entry in the directory pointing to the same file
on the hard disk. On the other hand, the symbolic link is another separate file pointing to
the original file. The practical difference is that a hard link has to be on the same device
as the original but the symbolic link can be on a different device. Also, if we remove a
file, the hard link for the file will also be removed. In the case of a symbolic link, it will
still exist pointing no where.
In Unix every legitimate user is given a user account which is associated with a user id
(Unix only knows and understands user ids here to in referred as UIDs).The mapping of
the users is maintained in the file /etc/passwd. The UID 0 is reserved. This user id is a
special superuser id and is assigned to the user ROOT. The SU ROOT has unlimited
privileges on the system. Only SU ROOT can create new user accounts on a system. All
other UIDs and GIDs are basically equal.
A user may belong to one or more groups up to 16. A user may be enjoined to other
groups or leave some groups as long as the number remains below the number permitted
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PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M9/V1/June 04/17
by the system. At anytime the user must belong to at least one group. Different flavors of
Unix follow different conventions. Linux follows the convention of creating one group
with the same name as the username whenever a new user id is created. BSDs follow the
convention of having all the ordinary users belong to a group called users.
It is to be noted that the permissions are matched from left to right. As a consequence, the
following may happen. Suppose a user owns a file and he does not have some
permission. However, suppose the group (of which he also is a member) has the
permission. In this situation because of the left to right matching, he still cannot have
permission to operate on the file. This is more of a quirk as the user can always change
the permissions whichever way he desires if he owns the file. The user of the system
must be able to perform certain security critical functions on the system normally
exclusive to the system administrator, without having access to the same security
permissions. One way of giving users' a controlled access to a limited set of system
privileges is for the system to allow the execution of a specified process by an ordinary
user, with the same permissions as another user, i.e. system privileges. This specified
process can then perform application level checks to insure that the process does not
perform actions that the user was not intended to be able to perform. This of course
places stringent requirements on the process in terms of correctness of execution, lest the
user be able to circumvent the security checks, and perform arbitrary actions, with system
Two separate but similar mechanisms handle impersonation in Unix, the so called set
UID, (SUID), and set-GID (SGID) mechanisms. Every executable file on a file system so
configured, can be marked for SUID/SGID execution. Such a file is executed with the
permissions of the owner/group of the file, instead of the current user. Typically, certain
services that require superuser privileges are wrapped in a SUID superuser program, and
the users of the system are given permission to execute this program. If the program can
be subverted into performing some action that it was not originally intended to perform,
serious breaches of security can result.
The above system works well in a surprising number of situations. But we will illustrate a
few situations where it fails to protect or even facilitates the attacker. Most systems today
also support some form of access control list (ACL) based schemes
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PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M9/V1/June 04/18
Access control lists: On Unix systems, file permissions define the file mode as well. The
file mode contains nine bits that determine access permissions to the file plus three
special bits. This mechanism allows to define access permissions for three classes of
users: the file owner, the owning group, and the rest of the world. These permission bits
are modified using the chmod utility. The main advantage of this mechanism is its
simplicity. With a couple of bits, many permission scenarios can be modeled. However,
there often is a need to specify relatively fine-grained access permissions.
Access Control Lists (ACLs) support more fine grained permissions. Arbitrary users and
groups can be granted or denied access in addition to the three traditional classes of users.
The three classes of users can be regarded as three entries of an Access Control List.
Additional entries can be added that define the permissions which the specific users or
groups are granted.
An example of the use of ACLs: Let's assume a small company producing soaps for all
usages. We shall call it Soaps4All. Soaps4All runs a Linux system as its main file server.
The system administrator of Soaps4All is called Damu. One particular team of users, the
Toileteers, deals with the development of new toilet accessories. They keep all their
shared data in the sub-directory /home/toileteers/shared. Kalyan is the administrator of
the Toileteers team. Other members are Ritu, Vivek, and Ulhas.
Username Groups Function
Damu users System administrator
Kalyan toileteers, jumboT, perfumedT administrator
ritu toileteers, jumboT
vivek toileteers, perfumedT
ulhas toileteers, jumboT, perfumedT
Inside the shared directory, all Toileteers shall have read access. Kalyan, being the
Toileteers administrator, shall have full access to all the sub-directories as well as to files
in those sub-directories. Everybody who is working on a project shall have full access to
the project's sub-directory in /home/toileteers/shared.
Suppose two brand new soaps are under development at the moment. These are called
Jumbo and Perfumed. Ritu is working on Jumbo. Vivek is working on Perfumed. Ulhas is
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PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M9/V1/June 04/19
working on both the projects. This is clearly reflected by the users' group membership in
the table above.
We have the following directory structure:
$ ls -l
drwx------ 2 Kalyan toileteers 1024 Apr 12 12:47 Kalyan
drwx------ 2 ritu toileteers 1024 Apr 12 12:47 ritu
drwxr-x--- 2 Kalyan toileteers 1024 Apr 12 12:48 shared
drwx------ 2 ulhas toileteers 1024 Apr 12 13:23 ulhas
drwx------ 2 vivek toileteers 1024 Apr 12 12:48 vivek
/shared$ls -l
drwxrwx--- 2 Kalyan jumbo 1024 Sep 25 14:09 jumbo
drwxrwx--- 2 Kalyan perfumed 1024 Sep 25 14:09 perfumed
Now note the following:
�� Ritu does not have a read access to /home/toileteers/shared/perfumed.
�� Vivek does not have read access to /home/toileteers/shared/jumbo.
�� Kalyan does not have write access to files which others create in any project subdirectory.
The first two problems could be solved by granting everyone read access to the
/home/toileteers/shared/ directory tree using the others permission bits (making the
directory tree world readable). Since nobody else but Toileteers have access to the
/home/toileteers directory, this is safe. However, we would need to take great care of the
other permissions of the /home/toileteers directory.
Adding anything to the toileteers directory tree later that is world readable is impossible.
With ACLs, there is a better solution. The third problem has no clean solution within the
traditional permission system.
The solution using ACLs: The /home/toileteers/shared/ sub-directories can be made
readable for Toileteers, and fully accessible for the respective project group. For Kalyan's
administrative rights, a separate ACL entry is needed. This is the command to grant read
access to the Toileteers. This is in addition to the existing permissions of other users and
$setfacl -m g:toileteers:rx *
$getfacl *
Operating Systems/OS and Security Lecture Notes
PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M9/V1/June 04/20
# file: jumbo
# owner: Kalyan
# group: jumbo
# file: perfumed
# owner: Kalyan
# group: perfumed
Incidentally, AFS(Andrew File System), and XFS (SGI's eXtended File System) support
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