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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

LECTURER NOTES :Module 17: Source Code Control System in UNIX

A very large programming project evolves over time. It is also possible that many teams
work concurrently on different parts of such a large system. In such a case each team is
responsible for a certain part of the project. Their own segments evolve over time. These
segments must dovetail with the rest of the project team efforts. So, during the
development phase, each development team has to learn to manage changes as they
happen. It is quite a common practice to proceed on the assumption of availability of
some module at a future time. So, even while designing one's own mandated module, one
needs to be able to account for some yet to be completed module(s). One may even have
to integrate a newer version of a module with enhanced features. In some sense, a
software may have several generations and versions of evolution. In industry parlance,
these generations are sometimes called α or β releases. There may even be a version
number to suit a certain specific configuration.
Unix supports these developmental possibilities, i.e. supporting creation and invocation
of various versions by using a system support tool called SCCS. In this chapter we shall
study how SCCS helps in versioning.
17.1 How Does Versioning Help
Essentially, a large software design is like an emerging collage in an art studio with many
assistants assisting their master in developing a large mural. However, in the software
design, the ability to undo has its charms. There are two major ways in which versioning
helps. First, we should realize that a rollback may be required at any stage of
development. Should it be the case then, it should then be possible for us to get back to an
acceptable (and perhaps an operating) version of a file. From this version of file one may
fork out to a newer file which is a better version. The forking may be needed to remove
some errors which may have manifested or because it was felt necessary to add newer
Secondly, software should cater to users of various levels of abilities and workplace
environments. For instance, a home version and office version of XP cater to different
workplace environments even while offering truly compatible software suites. In other
words, sometimes customers need to be provided with options to choose from and tune
the software for an optimal usage which may entail making choices for features, adding
Operating Systems/Source Code Control System in UNIX Lecture Notes
PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M17/V1/June 04/2
some or leaving a few others to leverage the advantage of a configuration with as little
overhead as possible.
17.2 The SCCS
During the period of development, there will be modules in various stages of progression.
As more modules become stable, the system comes along in small increments. Each
stable set yields a fairly stable working version of the system. So the support one seeks
from an operating system is to be able to lock each such version for limited access. In
addition, one should be able to chain various stages of locked versions in a hierarchy to
reflect particular software's evolution. Unix obtains this capability by using a version tree
support mechanism. The version tree hierarchy is automatically generated. The version
number identifies the evolution of different nodes in the version tree over time. A typical
version tree numbering scheme is shown in Figure 17.1. The higher the number, the more
recent is the version. The numbers appear as an extension to show the evolution. In the
next few sections we see what is provided and how it is achieved under Unix.
Figure 17.1: A typical version tree under SCCS.
17.2.1 How This Is Achieved
Unix obtains this capability by maintaining a version tree with the following support
�� Version tree hierarchy is generated automatically and follows a numbering
scheme as shown in figure 17.1. The numbering helps users to identify the
evolution of software from the version tree. Internally, it helps Unix in
maintaining differences between related versions of files.
�� The SCCS creates files in a special format.
�� The compilation is handled in a special way.
�� Edits to the files are handled in a special way. In fact one can edit files at any
level in the version tree.
Operating Systems/Source Code Control System in UNIX Lecture Notes
PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M17/V1/June 04/3
�� A suite of SCCS commands are provided to manage versions and create links in
the version trees.
In addition, Unix provides the following facilities:
�� Unix permits locking out of modules under development. Some modules which
are stable may be permitted full access. However, those versions of modules that
are still evolving may not be accessible to all the users. The access to these
modules may be restricted to this module's developers only. General users may
have access to an older stable version of the module. It is possible to also add gid
for access to a new version being released. In Unix the access is permitted for all
(or none) in the group. So adding gid for a release adds all the users in that group.
�� For management of hierarchy, it is possible to create a tree structure amongst
versions. At any stage of development it is possible to create siblings in a tree.
Such a sibling can have its own child versions evolving through the sub-trees
under it. As shown in Figure 17.1, the version tree grows organically as new
versions emerge.
�� Unix supports precedence amongst the versions of a module. So if a module has a
newer version (usually with some bugs removed or with extensions), then this
module shall be the one that shall have precedence during the loading of modules.
Often this is true of files where a file may be updated frequently.
Various Unix versions from BSD, System V or Linux provide SCCS-like tools under a
variety of utility names. These are CSSC, CVS, RCS, linCVS, etc. We will briefly
discuss CVS in Linux environment in Section 17.4. Obviously, more recent versions
clearly have more bells and whistles. Now that we have explained the underlying
concepts, we shall next explore the command structure in SCCS that makes it all happen.
17.3 SCCS Command Structure
We can appreciate the commands under SCCS better if we first try to understand the
design considerations. Below we enumerate some of the points which were borne in mind
by the designers when SCCS was created initially.
• Between two revisions a file under SCCS is considered to be idle.
• Between two adjacent versions, both idles, there is only a small change in the
content. This change is regarded as delta. Suppose for some file F there is a delta
Operating Systems/Source Code Control System in UNIX Lecture Notes
PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M17/V1/June 04/4
change d, then one needs to maintain both F and d to be able to do the version
management. This is because SCCS supports versioning at every node in a
version tree.
• Version numbers can be generated automatically. The delta changes finally result
in creating a hierarchy. In fact, version numbers determine the traversal required
on the version tree to spot a particular version.
• We need a command use to indicate which file we retrieve and a command delta
to indicate the change that needs to be incorporated. That then explains the
command structure for SCCS.
Figure 17.2 illustrates the manner in which an SCCS encoded file may be generated.
Figure 17.2: The “idle" and “revision" periods in SCCS.
Such files may subsequently go through an evolution with several idle periods in
between. When a file is retrieved, it is decoded for normal viewing and presented.
Usually, one uses the delta command to create a new version. Based on the version taken
up for revision, a new version number is generated automatically.
17.3.1 An Example Session
In this example session we have used some command options. In Table 17.1 we give
explanation for options available with various SCCS commands.
To begin with we need to create a new file. We may do so as follows:
admin -n s.testfile
Table 17.1: SCCS command options.
Operating Systems/Source Code Control System in UNIX Lecture Notes
PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M17/V1/June 04/5
This command creates an SCCS formatted file with an empty body. The options used
with admin command have interpretations given in table 17.1.
We can now use the visual editor and put some text into it.
get -e s.testfile
The -e option is to invoke ”open for edit". This command prints the version number and
number of lines in testfile. If we perform a delta, we can create a newer version of
testfile. This can be done simply as follows:
delta s.testfile
We may just add comments or actually make some changes. This can be now checked by
using a visual editor again.
Unix provides a facility to view any file with a given version number. For example, to
view and run a certain previous version 1.2, we may use the command shown below.
get -p -r1.2 s.testfile
The -p option is to invoke a path and -r is to invoke a run.
Like Make, SCCS also supports some macros. Readers should consult their system's
documentation to study the version management in all its facets. We shall next take a
brief tour of CVS.
17.4 CVS : Concurrent Versioning System
Linux environment offers a concurrent versioning utility, called CVS which supports oncurrent
development of a project. The team members in the project team may make
concurrent updates as the project evolves. The primary idea in CVS revolves around
maintaining a project repository which always reflects the current official status of the
project. CVS allows project developers to work on parts of the project by making copies
of the project in their own scratch pad areas. Updates on the work-in-progress scratch
pads do not affect the repository. Individuals may seek to finalize their work on the
scratch pad and write back to the repository to update a certain aspect of the project.
Technically, it is quite possible for more than one individual to make copies and develop
the same program. However, this can raise consistency problems. So writing back into
the repository is done in a controlled way. If the updates are in different parts, these are
carried out with no conflict. If the updates are in the same part of a file, a merge conflict
may occur and these are reported. These conflicts need to be reconciled before a commit
into the repository is performed.
Operating Systems/Source Code Control System in UNIX Lecture Notes
PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M17/V1/June 04/6
Essentially, CVS is a command line utility in Linux (and also in some other flavors of
Unix). There are network versions of CVS that allow access to repository over the
network as well. For now we shall assume that we have a CVS utility available on a
single machine with multiple users accessing the files in it. Let us examine some typical
usage scenarios of CVS commands. For example, consider the command lines below.
export CVSROOT=/homes/iws/damu/cvs
cvs checkout project-5
The first command line is to look for the cvs command in user damu's home directory.
The second line basically checks out what files are there in project-5. It also makes the
copies of project-5 files available to the user. Typically, these may be some .c or .h files
or some others like .tex files. As we stated earlier, CVS supports an update phase of
operation. The update command and a typical response from it are shown next.
cvs update project-5
When one attempts to update, typically the system prompts to indicate if someone else
also made any updates after you had copied the files. In other words, all the updates that
occurred in sequence from different people are all shown in order. Each update obtains a
distinct version number. Like SCCS, CVS also generates internally a numbering scheme
which will give a versioning tree. In the case someone else’s' update is at the same
location in a file, then the messages would indicate if there is a merge conflict. A
response to a typical update command is shown below:
$ cvs update
cvs update: Updating .
RCS file: /homes/iws/damu/cvs/project-5/main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
Merging differences between 1.1 and 1.2 into proj.h
M proj.h
U main.c
In the example above we had no merge conflicts. In case of a merge conflict, we get
messages to indicate that. Let us assume we have merge conflict in updating main.c, then
the messages we may get would look like those shown below.
$ cvs update
Operating Systems/Source Code Control System in UNIX Lecture Notes
PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M17/V1/June 04/7
cvs update: Updating .
RCS file: /homes/iws/damu/cvs/project-5/main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
Merging differences between 1.2 and 1.3 into main.c
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
cvs update: conflicts found in main.c
C main.c
Usually, the conflicts are shown with some repeated character sequence to help identify
where it occurred. One, therefore, needs to resolve the conflicts and then may be commit
the correctly updated version to repository. A CVS commit generates a newer version in
repository. A CVS commit command and its response is shown below.
$ cvs commit
cvs commit: Examining .
Checking in main.c;
/homes/iws/damu/cvs/project-5/main.c,v <-- main.c
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
The steps shown above for checkout, update and commit are the basic steps. There are
means available to import an entire project and effect an update to create a newer version
of the project. For those details the reader is advised to refer to the man pages.

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