The main motivation for scheduling various OS services is to maximize the usage of CPU
resource, memory, and other IO resources. Consider the usage of a printer as an output
resource. A user takes printouts only once in a while. A printer usage, therefore, can be
shared amongst many users. The motivation to share a resource may come from several
reasons. Sharing enhances utilization of resources immensely.
Sharing a resource is imperative in cases where we have a very expensive and specialized
resource. For instance, an image processing resource, connected to a computer system, is
a special resource. Such a resource is used in short periods of time, i.e. it is sparingly
used. Similarly, in the context of a large project, there may be a file or a data-base which
is shared amongst many users. Such a shared file may need to be updated from several
sources. The shared file is then a shared resource. In this case, the sequencing of updates
may be very critical for preserving data integrity and consistency. It may affect temporal
semantics of the shared data. This is particularly true in transaction processing systems.
In this chapter we shall study how the resources may be scheduled for shared usage. In
particular, we shall study two very important concepts relating to mutual exclusion and
6.1 Need for Scheduling
Resources may be categorized depending upon the nature of their use. To enforce
temporal sharing of a common resource, the OS needs a policy to schedule its usage. The
policy may depend upon the nature of resource, frequency of its use and the context of its
usage. In the case of a printer, the OS can spool printout requests. Printing, additionally,
requires that once a process is engaged in printing, it must have its exclusive usage till it
finishes the current print job. If that is not the case then the printouts from the printer
shall be garbled. Some specialized resources, like a flat-bed plotter, require an elaborate
initial set-up. So once assigned to a process, its usage better not be pre-empted. A process
that gets such a resource should be permitted to keep it till either the process terminates
or releases the resource. This is also true of a transaction which updates a shared data
record. The transaction should complete the record's update before another process is
given the access to the record.
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Processes may need more than one resource. It is quite possible that a process may not be
able to progress till it gets all the resources it needs. Let us suppose that a process P1
needs resources r1 and r2. Process P2 needs resources r2 and r3. Process P1 can proceed
only when it has both r1 and r2. If process P2 has been granted r2 then process P1 has to
wait till process P2 terminates or releases r2. Clearly, the resource allocation policy of an
OS can affect the overall throughput of a system.
6.2 Mutual Exclusion
The mutual exclusion is required in many situations in OS resource allocation. We shall
portray one such situation in the context of management of a print request. The print
process usually maintains a queue of print jobs. This is done by maintaining a queue of
pointers to the files that need to be printed. Processes that need to print a file store the file
address (a file pointer) into this queue. The printer spooler process picks up a file address
from this queue to print files. The spooler queue is a shared data structure amongst
processes that are seeking the printer services and the printer spooler process. The printer
spooler stores and manages the queue as shown in Figure 6.1. Let us consider just two
Figure 6.1: An example of mutual exclusion.
processes Pi, Pj that need to use printer. Let Ps denote the printer spooler process. The
shared queue data area is denoted by Q. Let us now envision the situation as depicted
�� Pi accesses Q and finds that a certain slot qs is free.
�� Pi decides to copy in this area the address of the file it needs to print.
�� Next Pj accesses Q and also finds the slot qs is free.
�� Pj decides to copy in this area the address of file it needs to print.
�� Pi copies the address of the area from which a file needs to be printed.
�� Next Pj copies the address of the area from which a file needs to be printed.
�� Ps reaches the slot at qs and prints the file pointed to by the address in qs.
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On examining the above sequence we find that both the processes Pi, and Pj may record
that their print jobs are spooled. As a matter of fact only the job from Pj was spooled. The
print job of Pi never gets done. If we had mutual exclusion then either process Pi or
process Pj , but not both, could have had an access to qs . A point to be noted here is that
Q is a shared data area (a resource) used by three processes Pi, Pj , and Ps. It also
establishes an inter-process communication (IPC) between processes that need printing
and the process which prints. Access to shared data resource that establishes inter-process
communication must be mutually exclusive. We shall later revisit mutual exclusion in
more detail in Section 6.5. There we shall discuss how to ensure mutually exclusive
access to resources. For now let us examine the conditions for deadlocks.
6.3 Deadlocks
We can understand the notion of a deadlock from the following simple real-life example.
To be able to write a letter one needs a letter pad and a pen. Suppose there in one letter
pad and one pen on a table with two persons seated around the table. We shall identify
these two persons as Mr. A and Ms. B. Both Mr. A and Ms. B are desirous of writing a
letter. So both try to acquire the resources they need. Suppose Mr. A was able to get the
letter pad. In the meantime, Ms. B was able to grab the pen. Note that each of them has
one of the two resources they need to proceed to write a letter. If they hold on to the
resource they possess and await the release of the resource by the other, then neither of
them can proceed. They are deadlocked. We can transcribe this example for processes
seeking resources to proceed with their execution.
Consider an example in which process P1 needs three resources r1; r2, and r3 before it can
make any further progress. Similarly, process P2 needs two resources r2 and r3. Also, let
us assume that these resources are such that once granted, the permission to use is not
withdrawn till the processes release these resources. The processes proceed to acquire
these resources. Suppose process P1 gets resources r1 and r3 and process P2 is able to get
resource r2 only. Now we have a situation in which process P1 is waiting for process P2 to
release r2 before it can proceed. Similarly, process P2 is waiting for process P1 to release
resource r3 before it can proceed. Clearly, this situation can be recognized as a deadlock
condition as neither process P1 nor process P2 can make progress. Formally, a deadlock is
a condition that may involve two or more processes in a state such that each is waiting for
release of a resource which is currently held by some other process.
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A graph model: In Figure 6.2 we use a directed graph model to capture the sense of
deadlock. The figure uses the following conventions.
�� There are two kinds of nodes - circles and squares. Circles denote processes and
squares denote resources.
�� A directed arc from a process node (a circle) to a resource node denotes that the
process needs that resource to proceed with its execution.
�� A directed arc from a square (a resource) to a circle denotes that the resource is
held by that process.
With the conventions given above, when a process has all the resources it needs, it can
execute. This condition corresponds to the following.
�� The process node has no arcs directed out to a resource node.
�� All the arcs incident into this process node are from resource nodes.
Figure 6.2: A directed graph model.
In Figure 6.2, P1 holds r4 but awaits release of r1 to proceed with execution; P2 holds r1
but awaits release of r2 to proceed with execution; P3 holds r2 but awaits release of r3 to
proceed with execution; P4 holds r3 but awaits release of r4 to proceed with execution.
Clearly, all the four processes are deadlocked.
Formally, a deadlock occurs when the following four conditions are present
�� Mutual exclusion: Each resource can be assigned to at most one process only.
�� Hold and wait: Processes hold a resource and may seek an additional resource.
�� No pre-emption: Processes that have been given a resource cannot be preempted
to release their resources.
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�� Circular wait: Every process awaits release of at least one resource held by some
other processes.
Dead-lock Avoidance: A deadlock requires the above four conditions to occur at the
same time, i.e. mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no pre-emption and circular wait to occur
at the same time. An analysis and evaluation of the first three conditions reveals that
these are necessary conditions. Also, we may note that the circular wait implies hold and
wait. The question is how does one avoid having a deadlock? We shall next examine a
few arguments. The first one favors having multiple copies of resources. The second one
argues along preventive lines, i.e. do not permit conditions for deadlock from occurring.
These arguments bring out the importance of pre-empting.
The infinite resource argument: One possibility is to have multiple resources of the
same kind. In that case, when one copy is taken by some process, there is always another
copy available. Sometimes we may be able to break a deadlock by having just a few
additional copies of a resource. In Figure 6.3 we show that there are two copies of
resource r2. At the moment, processes P1 and P2 are deadlocked. When process P3
terminates a copy of resource r2 is released. Process P2 can now have all the resources it
needs and the deadlock is immediately broken. P1 will get r1 once P2 terminates and
releases the resources held.
The next pertinent question is: how many copies of each resource do we need?
Unfortunately, theoretically, we need an infinite number of copies of each resource!!
Note even in this example, if P3 is deadlocked, then the deadlock between P1 and P2
cannot be broken. So, we would need one more copy of resource r2. That clearly
demonstrates the limitation of the multiple copies argument.
Never let the conditions occur: It takes some specific conditions to occur at the same
time to cause deadlock. This deadlock avoidance simply states that do not let these
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conditions occur at the same time. Let us analyze this a bit deeper to determine if we can
indeed prevent these conditions from occurring at the same time. The first condition is
mutual exclusion. Unfortunately, many resources do require mutual exclusion!! So we
must live with it and design our systems bearing in mind that mutual exclusion would
have to be provided for. Next, let us consider the condition of hold and wait. Since, hold
and wait is also implied by circular wait, we may look at the possibility of preventing any
circular waits. This may be doable by analyzing program structures. Now let us examine
pre-emption. It may not be the best policy to break a deadlock, but it works. Pre-emption
is clearly enforceable in most, if not all, situations. Pre-emption results in releasing
resources which can help some processes to progress, thereby breaking the deadlock. In
fact, many real-time OSs require pre-emption for their operation. For example, when a
certain critical condition arises, alarms must be set or raised. In some other cases an
emergency process may even take over by pre-empting the currently running process.
6.3.1 A Deadlock Prevention Method
In a general case, we may have multiple copies of resources. Also, processes may request
multiple copies of a resource. Modeling such a scenario as a graph is difficult. In such a
situation, it is convenient to use a matrix model. We shall use Figure 6.4 to explain the
matrix-based method. In Figure 6.4 we assume n processes and m kinds of resources. We
denote the ith resource by ri. We now define two vectors, each of size m.
Vector R = (r1; r2; ::::; rm) : ri = resources of type i with the system.
Vector A = (a1; a2; ::::; am) : ai = resources of type i presently available for allocation.
Initially with no allocations made, we have R = A. However, as allocations happen,
vector A shall be depleted. Also, when processes terminate and release their resources,
vector A gets updated to show additional resources that become available now. We also
define two matrices to denote allocations made and requests for the resources. There is a
row for each process and a column for each resource. Matrix AM and matrix RM
respectively have entries for allocation and requests. An entry ci,j in matrix AM denotes
the number of resources of type j currently allocated to process Pi. Similarly, qi,j in matrix
RM denotes the number of resources of type j requested by process Pi. This is depicted in
Figure 6.4. Below we state the three conditions which capture the constraints for the
model. The first condition always holds. The second condition holds when requests on
resources exceed capacity. In this condition not all processes can execute simultaneously.
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1. 1 i,j j j c a r n
⎡ + ⎤≤ ⎣Σ ⎦ .This condition states that the allocation of resource j to all the
processes plus the now available resource of kind j is always less than the ones
available with the system.
2. 1 i,j j q r n
⎡ ⎤≥ ⎣Σ ⎦ . This condition states that the requests for resources made by every
process may exceed what is available on the system.
3. In addition, we have the physical constraint i,j i,j ⎡⎣∀jc ⎤⎦≤ q . This condition states
that allocation of a resource j to a process may be usually less than the request
made by the process. At the very best the process's request may be fully granted.
The matrix model captures the scenario where n processes compete to acquire one or
more copies of the m kinds of resources.
6.4 Deadlock Detection and Prevention Algorithms
In this section we shall discuss a few deadlock detection and prevention algorithms. We
shall employ both the graph and matrix models. We begin with the simple case when we
have one copy of each resource and have to make allocation to a set of processes. A
graph based detection algorithm: In our digraph model with one resource of one kind, the
detection of a deadlock requires that we detect a directed cycle in a processor resource
digraph. This can be simply stated as follows.
�� Choose a process node as a root node (to initiate a depth first traversal).
�� Traverse the digraph in depth first mode.
�� Mark process nodes as we traverse the graph.
�� If a marked node is revisited then a deadlock exists.
In the above steps we are essentially trying to detect the presence of a directed cycle.
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Bankers' Algorithm: This is a simple deadlock prevention algorithm. It is based on a
banker's mind-set: “offer services at no risk to the bank". It employs a policy of resource
denial if it suspects a risk of a deadlock. In other words, for a set of processes, resources
are allocated only when it shall not lead to a deadlock. The algorithm checks for the four
necessary conditions for deadlock. A deadlock may happen when any one of the four
conditions occurs. If a deadlock is likely to happen with some allocation, then the
algorithm simply does not make that allocation.
The manner of operation is as follows: The request of process i is assessed to determine
whether the process request can be met from the available resources of each kind. This
means ∀j(qi,j)≤aj . In that case, process i may be chosen to execute. In fact, the policy
always chooses that subset amongst the processes which can be scheduled to execute
without a deadlock.
Let us now offer a critique of the algorithm.
1. If there are deadlocked processes, they shall remain deadlocked. Bankers'
algorithm does not eliminate an existing deadlock.
2. Bankers' algorithm makes an unrealistic assumption. It stipulates that the resource
requirements for processes are known in advance. This may not be rare but then
there are processes which generate resource requests on the fly. These
dynamically generated requirements may change during the lifetime of a process.
3. With multi-programming, the number of live processes at any one time may not
be known in advance.
4. The algorithm does not stipulate any specific order in which the processes should
be run. So in some situations, it may choose an order different from the desired
order. Sometimes we do need processes to follow a specific order. This is true
when the processes must communicate in a particular sequence (see
synchronization example in Section 6.5).
5. Also, the algorithm assumes a fixed number of resources initially available on a
system. This too may vary over time.
A matrix based deadlock detection method: When multiple resources of each kind are
available, we use the matrix model shown in Figure 6.4 to detect deadlocks. We analyze
the requests of the processes (matrix RM) against initially available copies of each
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resource (vector A). This is what the algorithm below indicates. Following the
description of the algorithm there is a brief explanation of the same.
Procedure detect deadlock
∀i,1≤i≤n set marked(i) = false. These flags help us to detect marked processes whose
requirements can be satisfied.
deadlockpresent = false
All entries in matrix AM are initialized to zero.
While there are processes yet to be examined do
Pick a process Pi whose requests have not been examined yet.
For process Pi check if RMi ≤ A then
allocate the resources;
marked(i) = true
Add allocation made to row AMi
Subtract this allocation from A to update A
If ∀i , marked(i) is true then deadlockpresent = false else deadlockpresent = true
We offer an alternative explanation for the above algorithm; let us assume that processes
P1 through Pn are to be allocated m kinds of resources. We begin with some tentative
allocation of resources starting with, say, P1 in sequence. Now let us consider an
intermediate step: the allocation for process during which we are determining allocation
for process Pi. The row corresponding to process Pi in matrix RM denotes its resource
requests. This row gives the number for each kind of resource requested by Pi. Recall that
vector A denotes the resources presently available for allocation. Now, let us suppose that
resource requests of process Pi can be met. In that case, vector RMi ≤ A. This means that
this process could be scheduled to execute and no deadlock as yet has manifested. This
allocation can then be reflected in matrix AMi. Also, vector A needs to be modified
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accordingly. Next, with the revised vector A, we try to meet the requirements of the next
process Pi+1 which is yet to be allocated with its resources. If we can exhaustively run
through the sequence then we do not have a deadlock. However, at some stage we may
find that its requirement of resources exceeds the available resources. Suppose this
happens during the time we attempt allocation for process Pi+k. In that case, we have a
deadlock for the subset of processes P1 through Pi+k. Recall that we are marking the
processes that obtain their allocation. So if we have all the processes marked then there is
no deadlock. If there is a set of processes that remain unmarked then we have a deadlock.
Notwithstanding the non-deterministic nature of this algorithm it always detects a
deadlock. Like the bankers' algorithm, this algorithm also does not help to eliminate an
existing deadlock. Deadlock elimination may require pre-emption or release of resources.
This may also result in a roll back in some transaction-oriented systems. This further
reinforces pre-emption as an effective deadlock elimination strategy.
6.5 Mutual Exclusion Revisited: Critical Sections
We have earlier seen that for devices like printers, an OS must provide for mutual
exclusion in operation. It is required for memory access as well. Whenever there is a
shared area accessed by two or more processes, we have to ensure that only one process
has write access at one time. The main motivation is to avoid a race condition amongst
processes. When a race occurs between processes (acting independent of each other),
each may annul others' operations (as we saw in our spooler example). Transactionoriented
processing is notorious for the race conditions as it may lead to data integrity
problems. These problems are best taken care of by ensuring the process has exclusive
access to the data area (or the resource) where it has to perform the operation. So each
process operates in exclusion of access to the others. Hence, the term mutual exclusion.
Next we define a critical section of a program code in this context. By a “critical section”
we mean that section of code (in a process) which is executed exclusively, i.e. none of its
operations can be annulled. To prevent shared variables from being overwritten by
another process, a process must enter its critical section. Operating in critical sections
ensures mutual exclusion of processes. Well, how does one ensure such an operation?
OSs, including Unix, provides a facility called semaphore to allow processes to make use
of critical sections in exclusion to other processes. A semaphore is essentially a variable
which is treated in a special way. Access to a semaphore and operations on it are
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permitted only when it is in a free state. If a process locks a semaphore, others cannot get
access to it. However, every process must release the semaphore upon exiting its critical
section. In other words, a process may enter a critical section by checking and
manipulating a semaphore. When a process has entered its critical section, other
processes are prevented from accessing this shared variable. When a process leaves the
critical section, it changes the state of semaphore from locked to free. This permits
anyone of the waiting processes to now enter their critical sections and use the shared
variable. To make sure that the system actually works correctly, a notion of atomicity or
indivisibility is invoked, i.e. semaphore operations are run to completion without
interruptions as explained in the next section.
6.5.1 Basic Properties of Semaphores
Semaphores have the following properties.
�� A semaphore takes only integer values. We, however, would limit to semaphores
that take only binary values. In general, we may even have a data-structure in
which every entry is a semaphore. Usually, such structures are required for
establishing a set of processes that need to communicate. These are also required
when a complex data structure like a record is shared.
�� There are only two operations possible on a semaphore.
• A wait operation on a semaphore decreases its value by one.
wait(s): while s < 0 do noop; s := s - 1;
• A signal operation increments its value, i.e. signal(s): s : = s + 1;
• A semaphore operation is atomic and indivisible. This essentially ensures
both wait and signal operations are carried out without interruption. This
may be done using some hardware support and can be explained as
follows. Recall in Section 1.2, we noticed that in Figure 1.3, the fetch,
execute and decode steps are done indivisibly. The interrupt signal is
recognized by the processor only after these steps have been carried out.
Essentially, this means it is possible to use disable and enable signals to
enforce indivisibility of operations. The wait and signal operations are
carried out indivisibly in this sense.
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Note that a process is blocked (busy waits) if its wait operation evaluates to a negative
semaphore value. Also, a blocked process can be unblocked when some other process
executes signal operation to increment semaphore to a zero or positive value. We next
show some examples using semaphores.
6.5.2 Usage of Semaphore
Suppose we have two processes P1 and P2 that need mutual exclusion. We shall use a
shared semaphore variable use with an initial value = 0. This variable is accessible from
both P1 and P2. We may require that both these processes have a program structure that
uses repeat – until pair as a perpetual loop. The program shall have the structure as shown
Some process code here
wait (use);
enter the critical section (the process manipulates a shared area);
signal (use);
the rest of the process code.
until false;
With the repeat{until sequence as defined above, we have an infinite loop for both the
processes. On tracing the operations for P1 and P2 we notice that only one of these
processes can be in its critical section. The following is a representative operational
sequence. Initially, neither process is in critical section and, therefore, use is 0.
�� Process P1 arrives at the critical section first and calls wait (use).
�� It succeeds and enters the critical section setting use = - 1.
�� Process P2 wants to enter its critical section. Calls wait procedure.
�� As use < 0. P2 does a busy wait.
�� Process P1 executes signal and exits its critical section. use = 0 now.
�� Process P2 exits busy wait loop. It enters its critical section use = -1.
The above sequence continues.
Yet another good use of a semaphore is in synchronization amongst processes. A process
typically may have a synchronizing event. Typically one process generates an event and
the other process awaits the occurrence of that event to proceed further. Suppose we have
our two processes, Pi and Pj . Pj can execute some statement sj only after a statement si in
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process Pi has been executed. This synchronization can be achieved with a semaphore se
initialized to -1 as follows:
�� In Pi execute the sequence si; signal (se);
�� In Pj execute wait (se); sj ;
Now process Pj must wait completion of si before it can execute sj . With this example, we
have demonstrated use of semaphores for inter-process communication. We shall next
discuss a few operational scenarios where we can use semaphores gainfully.
6.5.3 Some Additional Points
The primary use of semaphore which we have seen so far was to capture when a certain
resource is “in use" or “free". Unix provides a wait instruction to invoke a period of
indefinite wait till a certain resource may be in use. Also, when a process grabs a
resource, the resource is considered to be “locked".
So far we have seen the use of a two valued or binary semaphore. Technically, one may
have a multi-valued semaphore. Such a semaphore may have more than just two values to
capture the sense of multiple copies of a type of resource. Also, we can define an array of
semaphores i.e. each element of the array is a semaphore. In that case, the array can be
used as a combination for several resources or critical operations. This is most useful in
databases where we sometimes need to lock records, and even lock fields. This is
particularly true of transaction processing systems like bank accounts, air lines ticket
booking, and such other systems.
Since, semaphore usually has an integer value which is stored somewhere, it is
information the system can use. Therefore, there are processes with permission to access,
a time stamp of creation and other system-based attributes. Lastly, we shall give syntax
for defining semaphore in Unix environment.
semaphoreId = semget(key_sem, no_sem, flag_sem)
Here semget is a system call, key_sem provides a key to access, no_sem= defines the
number of semaphores required in the set. Finally, flag_sem is a standard access control
defined by IPC_CREAT | 644 to give a rw-r--r-- access control.
In the next chapter we shall see the use of semaphore, as also, the code for other
interprocess communication mechanisms.
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