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Friday, March 18, 2011

A Query Processing Engine for Data Streams

M. A. Hammad, M. F. Mokbel, M. H. Ali, W. G. Aref, A. C. Catlin, A. K. Elmagarmid,
M. Eltabakh, M. G. Elfeky, T. M. Ghanem, R. Gwadera, I. F. Ilyas, M. Marzouk, X. Xiong
Purdue University,West Lafayette, IN., USA
1. Introduction
This demonstration presents the design of “STEAM”,
Purdue Boiler Makers’ stream database system that allows
for the processing of continuous and snap-shot
queries over data streams. Specifically, the demonstration
will focus on the query processing engine,
“Nile”. Nile extends the query processor engine
of an object-relational database management system,
PREDATOR [4], to process continuous queries
over data streams. Nile supports extended SQL operators
that handle sliding-window execution as an
approach to restrict the size of the stored state in operators
such as join. More specifically, Nile supports
the following features: (1) Efficient and correct
pipelined execution of sliding window queries over
multiple data streams. The correct execution is enforced
by two novel pipelined scheduling approaches:
the Time Probing approach and the Negative Tuple approach
[2]. (2) Scalability in terms of the number of
queries [3] and the number of data streams. (3) Access
control to accept/register new continuous queries
and new streams. (4) Providing guarantees for Quality
of Service and Quality of Answers. (5) Online stream
summary manager. (6) Integrating online data mining
tools in query processing over data streams. (7) Approximate
window join processing and joining in a
network of data streams.
2. Stream Query Processing
The main components of the Nile stream query processor
are shown in the figure. Source streams are modeled
via a stream data type, StreamType. Nile communicates
with source streams (e.g., remote locations over
the network or sensor devices) through a Stream Manager.
The Stream Manager registers new stream-access
requests and uses the StreamType interface to retrieve
data from the registered streams. Nile uses Stream Scan
(SScan) to communicate with the stream manager. Nile
uses several approaches [2] to schedule the pipelined execution
of sliding window operators. The first approach
(Time Probing) uses window-based operators, the second
approach (Negative Tuple) uses a special operator,
W-Expire, to emulate tuple addition to and subtrac-
This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation
under Grants IIS-0093116, EIA-9972883, IIS-9974255, IIS-
0209120, and EIA-9983249.
Q1 (Time Probing) Q2 (Negative Tuple) Q3 (Hybrid)
Stream Manager
SScan SScan
S5 S6
W−Expire W−Expire
+/− +/−
tion from the window content. In addition, the Negative
Tuple approach alleviates the operators from checking
the window constraint. The third approach (Hybrid)
approach uses a mix of the first two approaches.
Nile introduces several window operators, besides window
join [1], such as sliding window DISTINCT, Aggregate,
and Set operations. In addition, Nile implements
each operator as a separate preemptive systemscheduled
thread. The operators communicate with each
other through a network of FIFO queues.
3. Description of the Demo
In this demonstration we show the flexibility of the
Nile system to define new streaming sources and execute
sliding window queries. We present applications on real
data sets that include retail transactions from Wal*Mart
stores, video data streams, and spatio-temporal data.
4. Acknowledgment
We would like to thank Michael Franklin for his collaboration
in developing many of the ideas in Nile.
[1] M. A. Hammad, W. G. Aref, and A. K. Elmagarmid.
Stream window join: Tracking moving objects in sensornetwork
databases. In SSDBM, 2003.
[2] M. A. Hammad, W. G. Aref, M. J. Franklin, and et al.
Efficient execution of sliding-window queries over data
streams. In Purdue University CSD TR #03-035, 2003.
[3] M. A. Hammad, M. J. Franklin, W. G. Aref, and et al.
Scheduling for shared window joins over data streams. In
VLDB, 2003.
[4] P. Seshadri. Predator: A resource for database research.
SIGMOD Record, 27(1):16–20, 1998.

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