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Friday, March 18, 2011

The Extensibility Framework in Microsoft StreamInsight

Mohamed Ali1, Badrish Chandramouli2, Jonathan Goldstein1, Roman Schindlauer1
1Microsoft Corporation 2Microsoft Research
One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA 98052
{mali, badrishc, jongold, romans}
Abstract— Microsoft StreamInsight (StreamInsight, for brevity)
is a platform for developing and deploying streaming
applications, which need to run continuous queries over highdata-
rate streams of input events. StreamInsight leverages a
well-defined temporal stream model and operator algebra, as the
underlying basis for processing long-running continuous queries
over event streams. This allows StreamInsight to handle
imperfections in event delivery and to provide correctness
guarantees on the generated output. StreamInsight natively
supports a diverse range of off-the-shelf streaming operators. In
order to cater to a much broader range of customer scenarios
and applications, StreamInsight has recently introduced a new
extensibility infrastructure. With this infrastructure,
StreamInsight enables developers to integrate their domain
expertise within the query pipeline in the form of user defined
modules (functions, operators, and aggregates).
This paper describes the extensibility framework in
StreamInsight; an ongoing effort at Microsoft SQL Server to
support the integration of user-defined modules in a stream
processing system. More specifically, the paper addresses the
extensibility problem from three perspectives: the query writer’s
perspective, the user defined module writer’s perspective, and
the system’s internal perspective. The paper introduces and
addresses a range of new and subtle challenges that arise when
we try to add extensibility to a streaming system, in a manner
that is easy to use, powerful, and practical. We summarize our
experience and provide future directions for supporting streamoriented
workloads in different business domains.
Microsoft StreamInsight [11] (StreamInsight, from now on)
is a platform for monitoring stream data from multiple sources
to extract meaningful patterns, trends, exceptions, and
opportunities. StreamInsight analyzes and correlates data
incrementally and in-memory while the data is in flight,
yielding very low response times and high throughput.
StreamInsight is an event stream processing system whose
operation and semantics are governed by a temporal extension
of relational algebra [3], which logically views a set of events
as a time-varying relation. StreamInsight queries consist of a
tree of operators with well-defined semantics, as defined by
their effect on the time-varying relation. Run-time query
composability, query fusing, and operator sharing are some of
the key features in the query processor. Further, StreamInsight
includes several debugging and supportability tools enable
developers and end users to monitor and track events as they
are streamed from one operator to another within the query
execution pipeline.
The interest in data streaming applications has grown
tremendously across various business sectors. For example,
streaming engines are used in Web analytics, fraud detection,
call center management, RFID monitoring, manufacturing and
production line monitoring, smart power meters, financial
algorithmic trading, and stock price analysis. A close analysis
of a wide range of streaming-oriented workloads reveals the
fact that these workloads share common characteristics, and
yet, differ from each other in several domain-specific aspects.
The common characteristics include the demand for coping
with high event input rates that are usually characterized by
imperfections in event delivery (either late events or payload
inaccuracies). Further, there is a need for a mechanism to
minimize output latency while maintaining correctness
guarantees over the output. A streaming engine is an
appropriate choice to provide low-latency and highthroughput
solutions for these applications. Correctness
guarantees with low latency are provided due to the system’s
ability to (1) output speculative [1, 10] results based on
potentially incomplete or inaccurate sets of events, (2)
compensate [1, 22] (or correct) incorrect output as late events
and/or more accurate payloads are received at the system’s
input, and (3) identify which output is guaranteed [4, 6] to be
correct, i.e., cannot change in the future, based on received (or
automatically inserted) guarantees from the event sources.
On the other hand, each business sector has unique
demands that are specific to its business logic. Business logic
is the outcome of domain expertise in a specific sector over
years. It is hard to expect that a single data streaming engine
(out-of-the-box or as-it-is without any specialization) can
cover domain expertise in different domains. Thus, for broad
applicability, a streaming system is expected to have an
extensibility mechanism that can seamlessly integrate domainspecific
business logic into the incremental in-memory
streaming query processing engine.
As shown in Figure 1, there are three distinct entities that
collaborate together to extend a streaming system for a
particular application domain:
1- The user defined module (UDM) writer. The UDM
writer is the domain expert who writes and packages
the code that implements a set of domain-specific
operations as libraries of UDMs. For example, a
financial application may have experts write UDMs
that can detect interesting complex chart patterns [19]
in real-time stock feeds.
2- The query writer. The query writer invokes a UDM
as part of the query logic. A query is expected to have
one or more UDMs wired together with standard
streaming operators (e.g., filter, project, joins) in the
same query pipeline. Note that multiple query writers
may leverage the same existing repository of UDMs
for accomplishing specific business objectives. The
typical query writer does not have a deep
understanding of the technical domain-specific details
within UDMs, but is an expert at understanding enduser
requirements and developing queries to meet these
requirements. Continuing the financial example
discussed above, the query writer may write a complex
query (and the surrounding glue application) that
correlates across stock feeds from multiple stock
exchanges, performs necessary pre-processing and
filtering, applies a UDM to detect a particular chart
pattern, and delivers the results as part of a trader’s
3- The extensibility framework. The extensibility
framework is an internal system component that
connects the UDM writer and the query writer. The
UDMs are deployed to the framework and made
available to query writers to use as part of their queries.
The framework executes the UDM logic on demand
based on the query to be executed. Thus, the
framework provides convenience, flexibility, and
efficiency for both the UDM writer and the query
Microsoft StreamInsight is designed to satisfy the
requirements of streaming-oriented workloads. Meanwhile,
StreamInsight provides the vehicle to integrate business logic
into the execution query pipeline through its extensibility
framework. This paper describes the extensibility framework
in Microsoft StreamInsight with particular emphasis on the
roles of the UDM writer, the query writer, and the system’s
internals to deliver efficient and extensible solutions to
business needs.
A. Design Principles and Contributions
The extensibility framework in Microsoft StreamInsight
has been architected to achieve several design principles.
These design principles contribute to the flexibility, efficiency
and the seamless integration of a wide range of user defined
modules into the continuous query processing pipeline. We
summarize our design principles as follows:
1) Ease-of-use
This principle favors query writers over UDM writers. A
UDM is written once and is used by many queries over time.
Hence, UDM details are expected to be hidden from the query
writer who invokes the UDM by name and, possibly, passes
some initialization parameters if needed.
2) Flexibility and reusability
This principle provides the query writer with the ability to
change the event membership in the set of events that are
passed to the UDM every time the UDM is invoked. The
temporal attributes if input and output events can be altered
based on the query semantics. This principle gives the
flexibility of re-using the same UDM under different
3) Portability and compatibility
This principle favors simple UDM writers or UDM writers
who published libraries of UDMs under traditional (nontemporal)
database systems. These libraries can be ported to
Microsoft StreamInsight with minimal porting effort. Without
violating the UDM’s view of data as a relational table,
StreamInsight handles the temporal aspect of events and
handles imperfections in event delivery on behalf of the UDM
4) Powerful control over time-management and efficiency
This principle favors advanced UDM writers who claim
responsibility of managing the temporal aspect of events
seeking maximum power and efficiency in the UDM. The
system provides the UDM writer with the ability to
read/generate the input/output timestamps of events.
Meanwhile, it provides the query writer with the ability to
override the UDM time management and to revert back to
default system timestamping policy. Further, it allows
advanced UDM writers to increase efficiency in the streaming
setting, by providing them with facilities to express
incremental computations for the UDM.
5) Breaking optimization boundaries
A UDM stands as optimization boundary in the query
pipeline. Because a UDM is a black box to the optimizer, it is
hard to reason about optimization opportunities. However,
working hand-in-hand with the UDM writer, the UDM writer
has the option to provide several properties about the UDM
through well-defined interfaces. The optimizer reasons about
these properties and shoots for optimization opportunities.
6) Liveliness
Liveliness is a bi-fold aspect: (1) it is the ability to
guarantee that output results are accurate and stable (i.e., will
not to be retracted) up to a specific point in the application
time, and (2) to keep advancing the output time as input time
advances. This principle is concerned with generating signals
CQ +
Data Stream
- dashboard
- file
- other
Figure 1: Entities in a streaming solution for a domain.
Stream data
that advance the output time properly as the system receives
signals that indicate advances in the input time.
B. Paper Outline
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 provides some basic background on streams, and
introduces our new concept of windowing for the extensibility
framework. Then, we cover the details of the extensibility
solution, by exploring the problem from three perspectives:
the query writer’s perspective (Section 3), the user defined
module writer’s perspective (Section 4), and the system’s
internal perspective (Section 5). We summarize our
experiences and lessons learned in Section 6, and finally
conclude the paper in Section 7.
A Data Stream Management System (DSMS) [8, 9, 11, 14,
15, 16, 24] is a system that enables applications to issue longrunning
continuous queries (CQs) that monitor and process
streams of data in real time. DSMSs are used for highly
efficient real-time data processing in a broad range of
applications. While the core concepts are generalizable to any
streaming system, this paper focuses on Microsoft
StreamInsight, which is based on the CEDR [1, 2] research
A. Streams and Events
A physical stream is a potentially unbounded sequence {e1,
e2, …, } of events. An event ei = is a notification from
the outside world (e.g., sensor) that consists of: (1) a payload
p = , and (2) a control parameter c that provides
metadata about the event. While the exact nature of the
control parameter associated with events varies across systems
[1, 10, 17], two common notions are: (1) an event generation
time, and (2) a duration, which indicates the period of time
over which an event can influence output. We capture these
by defining c = , where the time interval [LE, RE)
specifies the period (or lifetime) over which the event
contributes to output. The left endpoint (LE) of this interval,
also called start time, is the application time of event
generation, also called the event timestamp. Assuming the
event lasts for x time units, the right endpoint of an event, also
called end time, is simply RE = LE + x.
Compensations StreamInsight allows users to issue
compensations (or corrections) for earlier reported events, by
the notion of retractions [1, 20, 21, 22], which indicates a
modification of the lifetime of an earlier event. This is
supported by an optional third control parameter REnew, that
indicates the new right endpoint of the corresponding event.
Event deletion (called a full retraction) is expressed by setting
REnew=LE (i.e., zero lifetime).
Canonical History Table (CHT) This is the logical
representation of a stream. Each entry in a CHT consists of a
lifetime (LE and RE) and the payload. All times are
application times, as opposed to system times. Thus,
StreamInsight models a data stream as a time-varying relation,
motivated by early work on temporal databases by Snodgrass
et al. [3]. Table 1 shows an example CHT. This CHT can be
derived from the actual physical events (either new inserts or
retractions) with control parameter c = . For
example, Table 2 shows one possible physical stream with an
associated logical CHT shown in Table 1. Note that a
retraction event includes the new right endpoint of the
modified event. The CHT (Table 1) is derived by matching
each retraction in the physical stream (Table 2) with its
corresponding insertion (i.e., matching by event ID) and
adjusting the RE point of the event accordingly. StreamInsight
operators are well-behaved and have clear semantics in terms
of their effect on the CHT. This makes the underlying
temporal algebra deterministic, even when data arrives out-oforder.
Table 1 – Example of a CHT
ID LE RE Payload
E0 1 5 P1
E1 4 9 P2
Table 2 – Example of a physical stream
ID Type LE RE REnew Payload
E0 Insertion 1 ∞ - P1
E0 Retraction 1 ∞ 10 P1
E0 Retraction 1 10 5 P1
E1 Insertion 4 9 - P2
The sync time of a physical event is defined as the earliest
time that is modified by the event. For example, the sync time
of a physical insert event with lifetime [LE, RE) is LE, while
the sync time of a modification event with endpoints LE, RE,
REnew is min(RE, REnew).
B. Event Classes
Users can use lifetimes to model different application
scenarios. For instantaneous events with no lifetime, RE is set
to LE+h where h is the smallest possible time-unit. We refer
to such events as point events. On the other hand, there may
be events that model an underlying continuous signal being
sampled at intervals. In this case, each event samples a
particular value, and has a lifetime until the beginning of the
next event sample. We refer to such events as edge events.
The most general form of events have arbitrary endpoints
depending on when the modelled event came into and went
out of existence – these events are referred to as interval
events. For instance, Figure 2(A) depicts lifetimes of three
interval events.
C. Detecting Progress of Time
We need a way to ensure that an event is not arbitrarily outof-
order. The lack of such a facility causes two issues:
• We can never declare any produced output to be “final”,
i.e., it cannot change due to future events. This
declaration of output as final is useful in many cases, e.g.,
when we need to prevent false-positives in scenarios
where correctness is important, such as directing an
automatic power plant shutdown based on detected
• We cannot clean historic state in the DSMS, since it may
be needed forever in order to adjust previous output.
To solve this problem, we need the notion of stream
progress, which is realized using time-based punctuations [1,
4, 6]. A time-based punctuation is a special event that is used
to indicate time progress. These punctuations are called
Current Time Increments (or CTIs) in the terminology of
StreamInsight. A CTI is associated with a timestamp t and
indicates that there will be no future event in the stream that
modifies any part of the time axis that is earlier than t. Note
that we could still see retractions for events with LE less than t,
as long as both RE and REnew are greater than or equal to t.
D. Operator Types
A streaming continuous query (CQ) consists of a tree of
operators, each of which performs some transformation on its
input streams and produces an output stream. There are two
types of operators: span-based operators and window-based
1) Span-based Operators
A span-based operator accepts events from an input,
performs some computation for each event, and produces
output for that event with the same or possibly altered output
event lifetime. For example, Filter (see Figure 2 (A)) is a
span-based operator that selects events which satisfy certain
specified conditions. The lifetime of the output event is
equivalent to the entire “span” of the input event’s lifetime.
2) Window-based Operators
On the other hand, aggregation operators such as Count,
Top-K, Sum, etc. work by reporting a result (or set of results)
for every unique window. The result is computed using all
events that belong to that window. Window-based operators in
the StreamInsight extensibility framework use a novel notion
of windows, which we discuss next.
E. Imposing Windows on Event Streams
The basic idea is that we achieve windowing by simply
dividing the underlying time-axis into a set of possibly
overlapping intervals, called windows. Events are assigned to
windows based on a “belongs-to” condition. For example, in
case of all our window types1, an event belongs to a window if
and only if the event’s lifetime overlaps with the window’s
interval (time span).
The desired operation (e.g., sum or count) is applied over
every window (i.e., over the set of events belonging to that
window) as time moves forward. The output of a window is
the computation result of the operator over all events in that
window, and has a lifetime that is usually equal to the window
Interestingly, we will see in Section 3 that this core
windowing technique can be used to express all common
notions of windows, including sliding windows, hopping
windows, and count-based windows, by simply varying how
the time-axis is divided into intervals.
1 We will see in Section 3.2 that count-based windows have an added
restriction beyond the overlap condition.
Figure 2. Span-based operators vs. window-based operators.
Figure 2 (B) illustrates the “Count” aggregate over a 5
second tumbling window. We see that a tumbling window is
“simulated” by simply dividing the time interval into a
consecutive sequence of disjoint intervals of equal width (the
window length). One output event is produced for every
unique window as shown, where the output is computed over
all events whose lifetimes overlap with that window. Various
types of windows supported by Microsoft StreamInsight are
covered in detail in Section 3.
As mentioned in Section 1, the central design goals for the
query writer are ease-of-use and flexibility. Ease-of-use means
that all UDM implementation details are hidden from the
query writer. The query writer simply invokes a UDM by its
name, possibly passing some initialization parameters if
needed. Flexibility means that the query writer can control the
UDM behavior via two parameters: (1) the window
specification and (2) the input/output timestamping policy.
This section covers the language surface area for the query
writer to invoke UDMs, with particular focus on the window
specification and the input/output timestamping policy
A. The LINQ Surface Area for Extensibility
On top of the streaming algebra, a suitable query language
exposes the operator functionality to the user. A good
declarative query language should be a concise, yet intuitive
interface to the underlying algebra. In StreamInsight, the
Language Integrated Query (LINQ) [5, 18] was chosen as
approach to express CEP queries. LINQ is a uniform
programming model for any kind of data that introduces
queries as first class citizens in the Microsoft .NET framework.
StreamInsight supports three fundamental types of userprovided
extensions to the system – user-defined functions,
user-defined aggregates, and user-defined operators. Based on
the type of extension, UDMs surface either as method calls in
the case of span-based stream operators, or as extension
methods on windowed streams, in the case of window-based
stream operators.
1) User-Defined Functions (UDFs): UDFs are method
calls with arbitrary parameters and a single return value. By
using UDFs, expressions of any complexity are possible. They
can be used wherever ordinary expressions (span-based
stream operators) occur: filter predicates, projections, join
predicates, etc. The method call is evaluated for each event. A
user-defined function must be compiled into an assembly that
is accessible by the StreamInsight server process at runtime.
The example below invokes the valThreshold UDF from the
MyFunctions library. The UDF is executed for every event e
in the stream and takes a single value as parameter (i.e.,
var filtered =
from e in stream
where e.value < MyFunctions.valThreshold(
select e;
2) User-Defined Aggregates (UDAs): A UDA is used on
top of a window specification (e.g., hopping, snapshot, or
count-based window) to aggregate the events contained in
each window. At runtime, a UDA receives a set of events,
representing the members of a single window, and produces
the aggregation result value that maps to one of the
StreamInsight primitive types (e.g., integer, float, string, etc).
In the example below, the median UDA is invoked for every
window w to compute the median of the payload field e.val
over all events with lifetimes that overlap the window w.
var result = from w in s.HoppingWindow(...)
select new { f1 = w.Median(e.val) }
3) User-Defined Operators (UDOs): Similar to UDAs,
UDOs are used on top of a window specification to process
the events in each window. However, there are three
differences between a UDA and a UDO. First, a UDA returns
a value of a primitive type while a UDO returns an entire
event payload with one or more field values. Second, a UDA
return value that contributes to exactly one output event while
a UDO generates zero or more events. Third, the UDO has the
option to timestamp its output events. This type of UDO
(described in Section 4) is called a time-sensitive operator. As
an example, a pattern detection UDO may detect zero or more
patterns of interest in a single window. The pattern detection
UDO generates an output event for every detected pattern.
Each output event may consist of one or more payload fields
that describe the pattern. Moreover, the UDO decides on how
to timestamp each output event. A user defined timestamping
of the output becomes crucial in application scenarios where
detected patters are not expected to last for the entire window
duration. The following example shows how a query writer
invokes a UDO.
var newstream =
from w in inputStream.SnapshotWindow(...)
select w.MyPatternDetectionUDO();
B. The Window Specification
The window specification defines the shape of the windows
and, consequently, defines the event membership in each
window. There are the four different supported window types
in StreamInsight: hopping windows, tumbling windows,
snapshot windows, and count-based windows.
1) Hopping Windows: Hopping windows divide the
timeline into regular intervals, independently of event start or
end times. Each hopping window is offset by a hop size w.r.t.
the previous window. The window is defined by two time
spans: the hop size H and the window size S. For every H time
units, a new window of size S is created. Figure 3 shows a
stream that contains three events: e1, e2, and e3. The vertical
bars show a hopping window segmenting the timeline.
Figure 3: Hopping windows
2) Tumbling Windows: Figure 4 illustrates a special case of
the hopping window where the hop size H equals the window
size S. This special case of gapless and non-overlapping
hopping window is called the tumbling window. Note that for
both hopping and tumbling windows, if an event spans a
window boundary, the event becomes a member in every
window it overlaps. This is the case for events e1 and e2 in
Figure 3.
Figure 4. Tumbling windows.
3) Snapshot Windows: Instead of a fixed grid along the
timeline, snapshot windows are defined according to the start
and end times of the events in the stream. The size and time
period of the window is defined only by the events in the
stream. A snapshot is defined as: the maximal time interval
where no change is observed in the input. In other words, it is
the maximal time interval that contains no event endpoints
(left endpoint LE or right endpoint RE).
For each pair of consecutive event endpoints (LE or RE), a
snapshot window is created. By this definition, all event
endpoints fall on window boundaries and never in between.
That is, snapshot windows divide the timeline according to all
occurring changes in the input that are signaled by event
Figure 5 shows a stream with three events: e1, e2, and e3.
The vertical bars show the snapshot window boundaries that
are defined by these events. Based on the start time and end
time of events, only event e1 is in the first snapshot window.
However, both events e1 and e2 are overlapping and,
therefore, are included in the second window.
Figure 5. Snapshot windows.
4) Count Windows: A count window with a count of N is
defined as the timespan that contains N consecutive event
endpoints. Because StreamInsight supports multiple classes of
events (point, interval, or edge as described in Section 2.2),
there are two types of count windows supported over interval
events. Count by start time windows span N event start times
(LE). Here, an event belongs to a window if its LE is within
the window. Similarly, Count by end time windows span N
event end times (RE). In this case, an event belongs to a
window if its RE is within the window. We explain the count
by start times windows in this section and the generalization
count by end time windows is straightforward. Count
windows move along the timeline with each distinct event
start time. Hence, each new event will cause the creation of a
new count window that extends in the future to include N
event start points in the window, as long as the there are N
events in the future. If there are less than N events, no window
is created. If each event on the timeline has a unique
timestamp, the number of events in each such window is equal
to N. In case of multiple events with the same event start time,
the number of contained events can be higher than N.
Readers may wonder why we choose to count the number
of start times instead of the number of events, to define count
window. The main reason is that we want our windowing
operation to be well-behaved and deterministic. In case we
only wanted the most recent N events to form part of a
window, there can be ambiguity regarding which events form
part of the window, in case there are multiple events with the
same left endpoint or start time (LE). Our definition of count
windows fits well with our overlap-based window semantics,
and is also compatible with our customer applications that
require count windows.
Figure 5 shows an example count by start time window
with N=2.
Figure 6. Count window that counts event by start times.
C. The Clipping and Timestamping Policies
Figure 7. Input clipping and output timestamping policies.
Refer to Figure 7. Apart from the definition of the window
(hopping, tumbling, snapshot, or count window), the query
author can influence (1) how the windowing operation affects
the lifetimes of the input events that are contained in the
window before they are passed to the window-based operation
and (2) how the lifetimes of the operation's output events are
to be adjusted. Both policies are specified by the query writer
as part of the window operator to control or override the
default timestamps of the input/output events of the window
operations. These transformations are called input clipping
policy and output timestamping policy, respectively.
1) Input Clipping Policy
The input clipping policy adjusts the timestamps of the
incoming events with respect to the window boundary. There
are four clipping policies for input events:
• Left Clipping: Clips the event’s left endpoint eLE to the
window left boundary wLE if the event e starts before the
window start time (i.e., if eLE < wLE, set eLE = wLE).
• Right Clipping: Clips the event’s right endpoint eRE to the
window right boundary wRE if the event e ends after the
window end time (i.e., if eRE < wRE, set eRE = wRE).
• Full Clipping: Clips event from both sides by applying
both left and right clipping policies.
• No Clipping: Events are sent to the UDM without being
As a consequence of such adjustments, any time-sensitive
window operation 2 that takes into consideration the event
timestamps while computing the output value is affected by
the specified clipping policies. Figure 8 shows how events in a
tumbling window are fully clipped to the windows.
The decision to clip an event with respect to the window
boundary has to be based on the operator semantics. For
example, a pattern operator that detects the pattern “A
followed by B” requires the original event start times to
reason about the chronological order of events, and hence
cannot work with left clipping if it needs to be able to
2 An example of time-sensitive user defined modules is given in
Section 4.
incorporate the effect of overlapping events that start earlier
that the left endpoint of the window.
Figure 8: Tumbling windows with fully clipped events.
Moreover, the right clipping policy has a crucial impact on
the progress of output time and on the system resources.
Hence, the clipping decision needs to be taken carefully by the
query writer. To explain the effect of right clipping on the
progress of output time, assume an event e that extends t time
units after the window right endpoints (i.e., e.RE = w.RE+t).
Because the output of the window w depends on the e.RE,
which extends t time units in the future, and because
retractions are expected to change the event’s e.RE, the system
will not be able to finalize the window output until a CTI
(Current Time Increment as explained in Section 2) is
signaled t time units beyond the window w.RE. Although the
system generates speculative output from window w as soon
as an event that overlaps the window w is received, the system
delays the propagation of the CTI signal to the output by t
time units. Also, the memory resources taken by the window
are not reclaimed till the CTI passes w.RE by t time units.
Therefore, for workloads with long living events, right
clipping is highly recommended for the liveliness and the
memory demands of the system. We discuss liveliness and
cleanup in detail in Section 5.
2) Output Timestamping Policy
On the output side, the output timestamping policy decides
on the default management of the event’s timestamps and
their lifetimes. The output of a window based operation is fed
to the next operator in the query plan or directed to the
consumer of the query output (if it is the last operator in the
query plan). There are several possible output timestamping
• Align events to the window boundaries. This policy is the
only option for time-insensitive operations that do not
timestamp their output events (this will be covered in
Section 4). Also, it gives the query writer the ability to
override the UDM timestamping policy and revert to a
default timestamping policy.
• Keep the timestamps and lifetimes of output events
unchanged. This policy applies only to time-sensitive
UDMs that timestamp the output events. The only
restriction on that policy is that a UDM is not allowed to
generate an output event in the past (e.LE < w.LE). Past
output is vulnerable to cause CTI violation, that is,
generate output after time progression guarantees has
been established on the output.
• Clip the events to the window boundaries. This policy
keeps the timestamps and lifetimes of output events as
indicated by the UDM. However, if the event stretches
beyond the window boundary, it gets clipped to the
window boundary.
We discuss the effect of these timestamping policies on
liveliness and state cleanup in detail in Section 5, and present
a new policy that can achieve maximal liveliness by imposing
a new restriction the lifetime of events produced by the UDM.
The extensibility framework has been designed with
attention given to two classes of UDM writers. The first class
represents a wide range of software vendors who are not
trained to think under the data streaming model with its
temporal dimension. Moreover, this class of UDM writers has
developed libraries of UDMs over years of experience in their
domain. The second class of UDM writers targets streamoriented
applications where temporal attributes are first class
citizens in their business logic.
The first class of users, call them traditional users, are
interested in porting their logic from traditional databases to
the streaming world with minimal efforts. According to the
“portability and compatibility design principle” (refer to
Section 1), StreamInsight conveniently accommodates that
class of UDM writers through:
• Preserving a relational view of the data.
• Managing the temporal dimension on behalf of the UDM
• Handling imperfect event delivery represented by late
event arrivals on behalf of the UDM writer
The second class of users, call them power users, seeks full
control over the temporal attributes of events as well as
maximum achievable performance. According to the
“powerful time management design principle” (as described in
Section 1), StreamInsight conveniently accommodates that
class of UDM writers through:
• Authorizing UDMs to read the temporal dimension of
input events (LE and RE)
• Giving UDMs the ability to timestamp their output events.
• Supporting the incremental evaluation of output results.
From all three extensibility interfaces (UDFs, UDOs and
UDAs), UDFs are the most straightforward to implement. A
UDF is defined as a .NET method call with an arbitrary
number of parameters. The UDF is a span-based operation
that is evaluated for each event. For brevity, we focus our
discussion in this section on UDOs and UDAs that are
executed over a window-based model. As explained in
Section 3, a UDO or UDA is called for each window at
To cover the two classes of users, StreamInsight requires
the UDM writer to take two decisions in advance:
The first decision lets the UDM writer declares his model
of thinking. StreamInsight supports two models of thinking:
incremental and non-incremental models. Non-incremental
model provides a relational view of the world to UDM writers
while the incremental model provides the deltas or the
changes in the input to the UDM since the UDM’s last
invocation. The second decision indicates whether the UDM
is time sensitive or time insensitive. Time insensitive UDMs
deal with payloads. However, time-sensitive UDMs handle
events (i.e., payloads plus temporal attributes). Time sensitive
UDMs read the temporal attributes of input events, reason
about time, generate and timestamp output events.
In the following subsections, we describe non-incremental
versus incremental UDMs as well as time sensitivity in UDMs.
A. Non-incremental vs. Incremental UDMs
1) Non-Incremental UDMs
A UDA/UDO can be implemented as a non-incremental
operation. The engine passes a list (or IEnumerable according
to the .NET framework terminology, or a table in the
relational database terminology) of all events that overlap the
window to the UDM. Thus, according to the portability and
compatibility design principle, the UDM writer adopts a
relational viewpoint towards the set of input events and
defines the operation on the set in a declarative way. Figure 9
illustrates that a UDM writer is expected to implement a
single method, called ComputeResult. The ComputeResult
method accepts an IEnumerable of payloads (in case of timeinsensitive
UDM) or an IEnumerable of events (in case of
time-sensitive UDM). The ComputeResult method performs
the computation on the given input and generates a scalar field
value (in case of a UDA), an IEnumerable of payloads (in case
of time-insensitive UDO), or an IEnumerable of events (in
case of time-sensitive UDO). Note that the UDM writer deals
with payloads or events (payloads plus temporal attributes).
The UDM writer does not have to worry about imperfections
in event delivery. Section 5 (Systems Internals) provides the
details on how the underlying framework invokes the UDM as
many time as the number of windows and as many time as
needed to process insertions and retractions.
Figure 9. Non-incremental UDMs.
2) Incremental UDMs
In order to tap the full benefit of a streaming system, we
need a mechanism to allow advanced UDM writers to express
incremental computations, such that the framework maintains
a state per window that is updated incrementally with the
arrival of every insertion or deletion event. Figure 10 shows
that the UDM writer is expected to implement three methods.
The AddEventToState takes as input the state of a window and
the set of delta events that overlap that window. Delta events
are the events that have arrived to the system and overlap
window w since the last invocation of the UDM over window
w. The AddEventToState incrementally updates the state of the
window to reflect the effect of adding the delta events to the
state. Similarly, the RemoveEventToState incrementally
updates the state of the window to reflect the effect of
removing the delta events on the state. The UDM writer also
implements the ComputeResult method that computes the
output given the window state as input. Based on the
incoming insertion, retractions and CTIs, the underlying
extensibility framework (as explained in Section 5) invokes
the UDM methods to incrementally maintain a per-window
state and to generate the proper insertions and retraction to the
Figure 10. Incremental UDMs.
B. Time Sensitivity in UDMs
1) Time-Insensitive UDMs
Time insensitive UDMs do not consider the temporal
dimension while computing the result. Many time-insensitive
UDMs have been written over the years for traditional
databases. These UDMs are still of value and are expected to
be executed on sets of event payloads in the streaming domain.
2) Time-Sensitive UDMs
Time sensitive UDMs are classified into two groups: the
first group of time-sensitive UDMs is concerned about the
input’s temporal attributes. The input’s temporal attributes are
(1) lifetime of input events and (2) the duration of the window
that contains the set of input events, i.e., the window
descriptor. The second group of time-sensitive UDMs is
concerned with the output’s temporal attributes, that is, the
timestamps of the output events. The two groups are not
mutually exclusive. Some UDMs read the input temporal
attributes and generate the timestamps of the output events
according to the UDM logic.
C. Example End-to-End UDM Development
In this subsection, we provide an example of a simple timeinsensitive
user defined aggregate (MyAverage). Then, we
leverage the aggregate with reasoning about the temporal
dimensions to provide a time-weighted average version of the
aggregate (MyTimeWeightAverage). MyTimeWeightAverage
adjusts the contribution of each element to the computed
overage by the event’s lifetime compared to the entire window
Example. The following code snippet shows how a simple
time-insensitive aggregate (MyAverage) that computes the
average over a given payload field. MyAverage does not
reason about temporal properties of incoming events.
MyAverage derives from the CepAggregate base class, which
is a system-provided base class, and declares the input and
output types to be of double data type.
MyAverage.GenerateOutput method accepts an IEnumerable
of payloads that are of type double and returns the average as
single value of type double that represents the average over
the given IEnumerable of payloads.
public class MyAverage :
public override double
ComputeResult(IEnumerable payloads)
return events.Sum() / events.Count();
In order to integrate the user-defined aggregate into the
LINQ development experience for the query writer, an
extension method needs to be defined:
static public class UDAExtensionMethods
public static double
MyAverage(this CepWindow window,
Expression> map)
throw CepUtility.DoNotCall();
As shown in this example, the extension method serves the
purpose of associating the aggregate definition with a LINQ
extension method signature. The extension method is never
actually executed but is used by the LINQ provider to insert
the proper method call into the runtime query plan. The
signature of the extension method includes an expression that
is used by the query writer to map the stream’s input event
type to the UDM expected input data type. Note that UDMs
are pre-packed modules that operate on payload of type T. The
mapping expression bridges the gap between the incoming
events’ schema and the UDM expected payload type T. In the
above example, the mapping expression is expected to pick a
payload field of type double from the input event schema.
In contrast to time insensitive UDMs, a time-weighted
average is a time-sensitive aggregate that reasons about the
event lifetimes w.r.t. the window time span:
public class MyTimeWeightedAverage :
public override double
IEnumerable> events,
WindowDescriptor windowDescriptor)
double avg = 0;
foreach (IntervalEvent
intervalEvent in events)
avg += intervalEvent.Payload *
return avg / (windowDescriptor.EndTime –
MyTimeWeightAverage class derives from the
CepTimeSensitiveAggregate base class that is provided by the
system to declare the time sensitivity of the UDM. As shown
by the above code snippet, MyTimeWeightAverage reads the
window’s temporal properties (windowDescriptor.StartTime
and windowDescriptor.EndTime) as well as the input event
life times (intervalEvent.StartTime and
intervalEvent.EndTime). Note that time sensitive UDMs have
the option to timestamp their output event. If the UDM does
not timestamp the output, the output events are by default
timestamped with the entire window duration timestamps (e.LE
= windowDescriptor.StartTime and e.RE =
We now discuss the system internals for UDMs, i.e., we
discuss how StreamInsight efficiently handles incoming
events (insertions and retractions) and windows internally, in
order to invoke the appropriate API calls for the UDMs and
produce output events. UDFs are easy to handle; for each
incoming event, the system first evaluates each UDF input
parameter from the event content, and then invokes the userdefined
function. The result of the user-defined function is
returned back to the system to continue normal processing of
the remainder of the plan. We focus on UDOs/UDAs in the
rest of this section.
A. Invoking User APIs
The system accumulates a set of events for a window and
invokes the appropriate user API call, optionally modifying
the lifetimes of the event(s) sent to the UDO based on a userspecified
input clipping policy (see Section 3.3.1). The UDO
produces a set of results. There are two possible modes:
If the user is using the time-insensitive API, they return a
set of payloads, and the UDO adds timestamps to the rows in
order to convert them into events. Timestamp addition is
based on the output timestamping policy (see Section 3.3.2),
which may be specified by the user. The only option for timeinsensitive
UDOs is to set the output lifetime equal to the
window lifetime.
If the user is using a time-sensitive API, they return events
with timestamps directly to the system. The UDO may specify
an output timestamping policy that adjusts or restricts the
possible lifetimes that the UDO can assign to its output events.
B. Definitions
Recall that each unique window W corresponds to a time
interval, with left and right endpoints (W.LE and W.RE). The
window is associated with all events whose lifetimes overlap
the interval [W.LE, W.RE). We define the current watermark
m as the maximum of (1) the latest received CTI and (2) the
maximum LE across all received events.
We say that a window is closed if no future event can affect
(overlap) that window. This is determined based on received
CTIs which prevent events from occurring arbitrarily in the
past. Otherwise, the window is said to be active.
C. Data Structures
Our algorithms maintain the invariant that output is
produced for all non-empty windows that do not overlap the
interval [m, ∞). CTI handling is discussed in Section 5.5.
Refer to Figure 11. We maintain two data structures in the
WindowIndex: This data structure tracks all active
windows in the system. It is organized as a red-black tree,
with one entry for each unique window (the window could be
of any type as described in Section 3). Each entry for window
W is indexed W.LE. Each window entry contains (1)
W.#endpts, the number of event endpoints within the window
and (2) W.#events, the number of events that overlap the
EventIndex: This data structure tracks all active events (i.e.,
events that have not been cleanup up by CTIs). It is organized
as a two-layer red-black tree, where the first layer indexes
events by RE and the second layer indexes events by LE. Note
that we could also use an interval tree to replace this data
D. Non-incremental UDOs
At an abstract level, the algorithms for both incremental
and non-incremental UDOs have four phases:
Determine which existing windows are affected as a result
of the incoming event.
Issue retractions for affected windows to delete the older
output produced for those windows
Update data structures, to take the incoming event into
account. This can cause new windows to be created or
existing windows to be deleted or merged.
Issue new events as output, for all affected windows (after
the data structure is updated).
Determine Affected Windows When a new event e
arrives at the operator, we first determine which windows are
affected by the insertion, i.e., their event set membership
would change as a result of the insertion. In case of an
insertion, this is exactly all windows whose lifetimes overlap
[e.LE, e.RE). In case the event is a lifetime modification, the
set of affected windows is determined only based on the
windows that overlap the changed part of the event lifetime
which is [min(RE, REnew), max(RE, REnew)). Note that in case
of count windows, we perform post-filtering to ensure that our
modified belongs-to relation is satisfied.
Issue Full Retractions For each affected window W, we
use EventIndex to retrieve all (old) events that overlap [W.LE,
W.RE). Finally, the user API is invoked for the window (with
the old event set), to produce a set of events. The system
issues full retractions for all these events.
Note that the interface between the system and the UDO is
stateless, hence we needed to invoke the UDO again to
determine what events it produced earlier, so that those events
can be retracted appropriately. Thus, a UDO needs to ensure
that it is deterministic, i.e., two invocations of the API with
the same input will cause the same output to be produced.
Update Data Structures Next, we update WindowIndex
to take the newly inserted event into account. This may cause
a new window to be created or existing windows to be split.
Further, the counters W.#endpts and W.#events are updated.
In case of a lifetime modification event, W.#endpts may
become 0 for any window W; as a result, the window W is
deleted. An event lifetime modification can cause existing
windows to be merged or deleted. We finally insert event e
into EventIndex to complete updating data structures.
Produce Output Events Finally, for every new window
affected by the event, we again invoke the user API to
produce a set of events. These are output directly to the enduser
as insert events. We follow empty preserving semantics,
where a window that contains no overlapping events (i.e.,
W.#events=0) does not produce any ouput by default.
E. Incremental UDOs
An incremental UDO exposes an API that allows
incremental operations over a pre-defined operator state. The
system maintains the state for each window (as an opaque
object) on behalf of the UDO. Thus, each entry in
WindowIndex maintains window state as an additional piece
of information.
The algorithms are similar to the non-incremental case,
with some modifications as follows. When an event arrives at
the operator, for each affected window, we invoke the UDO
with the old state (instead of the entire set of old events) to
produce the set of events to be fully retracted. After updating
the data structures as before, we invoke the UDO for each
affected window, by passing it the old state and the new event
– the UDO processes this input incrementally and returns the
new state and output events/payloads. WindowIndex is
updated with the new state, and the events/payloads are
processed as before.
F. CTI Handling
W.LE (key)
Event e
e.LE (2nd key)
e.RE (1st key)
WindowIndex EventIndex
Figure 11: WindowIndex and EventIndex data structures.
CTIs (punctuations) are used by the system to produce
output (if the CTI increases the current watermark) as well as
to clean up operator state in the data structures.
1) UDO Liveliness with CTIs
In the most general form time-sensitive UDOs with no
restrictions on the lifetime of events produced by the UDO,
we can never issue CTIs as output because any window could
potentially produce an output event with LE=-∞. Since this is
unacceptable, we now propose specific restrictions on UDOs
that can improve liveliness.
As a first step, assume that we enforce the following
restriction on output intervals: a time-sensitive UDO invoked
for window W may produce an event e only if e.LE ≥ W.LE.
In other words, the output timestamp must be within or after
the current window. We refer to this particular output
timestamping property as WindowBasedOutputInterval.
Recall from Section 3.3.2 that we can enforce this policy by
clipping output event lifetime to the window boundaries. This
restriction gives us a limited amount of liveliness. Specifically,
let c be the latest CTI received on the operator’s input. Let W
be the earliest window associated with an event e1 such that
e1.RE>c. With only the above restriction, when we use a timesensitive
UDO, we will never be able to issue an output CTI
with timestamp > W.LE. To see why, note that since we have
a CTI only until timestamp c, e1 can still change in the future,
i.e., its RE can increase to a larger value. This change to e1
results in a change to the set of events in W, and causes W to
be recomputed, potentially producing an output event with
timestamp W.LE.
In the special case of a window W having an event with
infinite lifetime, we can never issue a CTI beyond W.LE. To
remedy this, a further improvement to liveliness is possible by
setting the input clipping policy (see Section 3.3.1) such that
the RE of events belonging to a window W are clipped to
W.RE before being sent to the UDO. For many UDOs such as
time-weighted average, this is an acceptable restriction
because they do not care about the actual RE of the event if
the event RE is beyond W.RE. Under this clipping policy, we
can propagate a CTI until W.RE, where W is the latest
window such that c ≥ W.RE. To see why this is the case, we
note that the clipped version of events belonging to window
W (or earlier) can never change because the CTI has moved
beyond W.RE.
Improving Liveliness Further Even with the above
improvement, there is no guarantee that when new a CTI is
received, a new output CTI with the increased timestamp will
be output in response. We fix this problem by defining a new
output timestamping policy called TimeBoundOutputInterval.
The basic idea is that given a window W into which a physical
event e (insertion or retraction) is being incorporated, the
output event(s) produced by the UDO in response to that event
are constrained to have LE ≥ sync time of e (see Section 2.1
for the definition of sync time). Most common UDOs
including time-weighted average, pattern matching, traditional
aggregates, and top-k are time-bound, i.e., they adhere to the
TimeBoundOutputInterval restriction. It is easy to see that
with this restriction, we can propagate CTIs with maximal
liveliness, i.e., whenever there is an incoming CTI with
timestamp c, we can produce an output CTI with timestamp c.
2) Internal State Cleanup using CTIs
Beyond ensuring liveliness, an important use of CTIs is
state cleanup. We need to get rid of old entries from our data
structures as soon as they are not needed, so that memory is
freed up for new events and other operators in the system.
When we receive a CTI with timestamp c, we prune
WindowIndex to get rid of closed windows, i.e., windows that
will never be required by the system in the future. The process
is identical for incremental and non-incremental UDOs. There
are three cases:
If the UDO is time-insensitive, we can delete a window W
as soon as W.RE ≤ c. This is because future lifetime
modifications of events in this window are guaranteed not to
affect this window.
If the UDO is time-sensitive with no input event clipping,
we can prune WindowIndex by deleting all windows W that
are closed, i.e., every event e belonging to W has e.RE ≤ c.
This is a necessary condition because any future event lifetime
modification could change the window definition, causing this
window to be re-computed. This requirement can cause
windows to be alive for a long time if events have long
lifetimes. We can alleviate this problem by specifying the
input event clipping policy, as described next.
If the UDO is time-sensitive with input event clipping, i.e.,
we clip the RE of input events to the window boundary, we
can delete a window as soon as W.RE ≤ c. This is possible
because in this case, even if an event lifetime changes, its
clipped version that lies within W will not change, and hence
W will not require re-computation.
We also have to delete events (and corresponding entries)
from the EventIndex that are no longer required. Deletion of
events is simple: we delete all events that belong only to
closed windows (see above for what constitutes a closed
window under various circumstances).
We have implemented and deployed the extensibility
framework in Microsoft StreamInsight, and have received
valuable feedback from our customers. In this section, we
summarize our experiences and user-feedback received during
this process of extending a complex event processing system
with powerful yet easy-to-use user-defined capabilities.
A. Temporal Algebra
StreamInsight is based on a clean well-defined and
deterministic temporal algebra and operator semantics. Our
past experience has shown that clean semantics, which are a
cornerstone of traditional databases and relational algebra, are
necessary for meaningful operator composability, repeatable
behavior, query debuggability, and cost-based query
optimization. This foundation helped in building a clean
extensibility solution without making operational decisions.
Our algebra helped clearly understand and control the
implications of physical effects such as CTIs, disorder,
retractions, etc. and tackle the core underlying issues behind
subtle aspects such as liveliness and state cleanup. Our novel
semantics for count-based windows were also driven by the
need for determinism.
B. Liveliness
As mentioned above, liveliness turned out to be more subtle
than expected. We initially expected that this would not
causes issues beyond those seen with internal operators, but
finally it turned out that we had to spend significant time
working out a practically usable and efficient solution.
C. Window Definitions
We had an initial solution for windowing that simply
modified event lifetimes in order to simulate windowing, but
quickly found that this was inadequate for most customer
applications, since it destroyed the user’s notion of lifetime
just for the purpose of introducing windowing.
D. API Interfaces
We found that there is a wide range of potential UDM
writers, depending upon the age of the application and the
specific requirements of the business domain. Thus, simply
providing one powerful API to all UDM writers was not
acceptable, due to the broad range of development expertise
and requirements in the community.
E. Role Separation
The separation of roles of query writer from the UDO
writer was found to be crucial in a practical sense, in order to
make the solution marketable in business environments, where
possibly different departments and users with widely different
backgrounds and expertise assume these roles.
F. Programming Interface
LINQ as an end-user programming surface has been
generally well-received, as query writers do not have to worry
about “hiking” the query over the client/server wall. On the
other hand, some query writers prefer a SQL-style interface,
for which we are looking at alternatives such as extending
languages such as StreamSQL [23]. One inconvenience with
our current extensibility framework is that the UDM module
itself needs to be hiked over the wall to be made accessible to
the StreamInsight server – we are looking at alternatives to
handle this in a cleaner way, such as UDM serialization.
Leveraging a data streaming system with the ability to host
and execute user-defined modules (UDMs) enables domain
experts to extend and deploy the system in multiple
environments. This paper presented the extensibility
framework in Microsoft StreamInsight from three perspectives.
The first perspective is a query writer’s perspective.
Because a single UDM can be invoked by hundreds of queries,
the role of the query writer is designed to be as simple as
invoking a method call and as flexible as executing the same
UDM under different window specifications and different
input/output policies.
The second perspective is the user defined module (UDM)
writer’s perspective. Simple users get the ability to write
powerful UDMs without the need to worry about steamspecific
event types (i.e., insertion, retractions) or temporal
attributes of events (event timestamp, and duration). More
interestingly, UDMs writers get the ability to port libraries
they have created for traditional database systems with
minimal amount of effort. Meanwhile, advanced UDM writers
get the flexibility to manage the temporal aspect of input and
output events within their code.
Finally, the paper presented the extensibility framework
from a system internals perspective. This perspective covers
how the system hosts a UDM, how the system relieves the
UDM writer from stream-specific operations, and how it
carries over time management and event imperfection
handling on behalf of the UDM writer. This perspective also
addresses how the system shoots for several optimization
opportunities while executing users’ code.
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