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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

LECTURER NOTES:Module 16: Some Other Tools in UNIX

We have emphasized throughout that the philosophy of Unix is to provide - (a) a large
number of simple tools and (b) methods to combine these tools in flexible ways. This
applies to file compression, archiving, and transfer tools as well. One can combine these
tools in innovative ways to get efficient customized services and achieve enhanced
productivity. Usually, the use of these tools is required when user or system files need to
be moved enblock between different hosts.
In this module we shall discuss some tools that help in archiving and storing information
efficiently. Efficient utilization of space requires that the information is stored in a
compressed form. We discuss some of the facilities available in Unix for compression.
Also, compressed files utilize available network bandwidth better for file transfers on the
internet. Without compression, communicating postscript, graphics and images or other
multimedia files would be very time consuming.
One of the interesting tools we have included here is a profiler. A profiler helps in
profiling programs for their performance. In program development it is very important to
determine which segments of program are using what resources. We discuss a few
program performance optimization strategies as well.
We begin the module with a description of archiving tools available in the Unix
16.1 Tar and Other Utilities
In the past, archives were maintained on magnetic tapes. The command tar appropriately
stands for the tape archiving command for historical reasons. These tapes used to be
stacked away in large archival rooms. The tar command carries over to archiving files
from a file system onto a hard disk. The command has a provision for a default virtual
tape drive as well.
As a user, we distribute our files within a directory structure. Now suppose we need to
archive or copy an entire set of files within a directory subtree to another machine. In this
situation the tar command comes in handy. It would also be very handy when one has to
copy a large set of system files to another machine. Many of the newer applications are
also installed using a copy from a set of archived files. The tar command has the
following structure:
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tar options target source
As an example suppose we wish to archive all the .c files under directory. /M/RAND and
place these under directory. /T, we may give a command as follows:
bhatt@SE-0 [~/UPE] >>tar cvf ./T/cfiles.tar ./M/RAND/*.c
a ./M/RAND/dum.c 1K
a ./M/RAND/main.c 1K
a ./M/RAND/old_unif.c 1K
a ./M/RAND/templet.c 4K
a ./M/RAND/unif.c 1K
We may now change to the directory T and give a ls command to see what we have there.
bhatt@SE-0 [T] >>ls
ReadMe cfiles.tar
The options used in tar command have the following interpretations:
The option c suggests to create, v suggests to give a verbose description on what goes on,
and f indicates that we wish a file to be created in a file system. An absence of f means it
will be created in /etc/remt0 = or a tape. To see the table of contents within a tarred file
use the t option as shown below:
bhatt@SE-0 [T] >>tar tvf cfiles.tar
tar: blocksize = 18
-rw-r--r-- 10400/14210 414 Nov 30 15:53 1999 ./M/RAND/dum.c
-rw-r--r-- 10400/14210 364 Nov 30 16:38 1999 ./M/RAND/main.c
-rw-r--r-- 10400/14210 396 Nov 30 16:29 1999 ./M/RAND/old_unif.c
-rw-r--r-- 10400/14210 3583 Nov 29 11:22 1999 ./M/RAND/templet.c
-rw-r--r-- 10400/14210 389 Oct 16 09:53 2000 ./M/RAND/unif.c
To extract the files from the tarred set cfiles, we may use the x option as follows:
tar xvf cfiles.tar
This creates a directory M under T (M was the parent directory of RAND) under which
RAND and files stood in the first place.
In particular, tar has the following options:
c: create an archive.
r: append files at the rear end of an existing archive.
t: list table of contents.
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x : extract individual contents
f : file to be created within a file system
f : write/read from standard output/input
o : change file ownership
v : verbose mode, give details of archive information
Note that it is dangerous to tar the destination directory (i.e. take the archive of the
destination directory) where we propose to locate the .tar file as this results in a recursive
call. It begins to fill the file system disk which is clearly an error.
The tar command is very useful in taking back-ups. It is also useful when people move -
they can tar their files for porting between hosts.
16.2 Compression
The need to compress arises from efficiency consideration. It is more efficient to store
compressed information as the storage utilization is much better. Also, during network
transfer of information one can utilize the bandwidth better. With enormous redundancy
in coding of information, files generally use more bits than the minimum required to
encode that information. Let us consider text files. The text files are ASCII files and use a
8 bit character code. If, however, one were to use a different coding scheme one may
need fewer than 8 bits to encode. For instance, on using a frequency based encoding
scheme like Huffman encoding, we would arrive at an average code length of 5 bits per
character. In other words, if we compress the information, then we need to send fewer
bits over the network. For transmission one may use a bit stream of compressed bits.
As such tar, by itself, preserves the ASCII code and does not compress information. Unix
provides a set of compression utilities which include a compress and a uuencode
command. The command structure for the compress or uncompress command is as
compress options filename
uncompress options filename
On executing the compress command we will get file with a .Z extension, i.e. with a file
filename we get filename.Z file. Upon executing uncompress command with filename.Z
as argument, we shall recover the original file filename.
The example below shows a use of compress (also uncompress) command which results
in a .Z file.
Operating Systems/Some Other Tools in UNIX Lecture Notes
PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M16/V1/June 04/4
bhatt@SE-0 [T] >>cp cfiles.tar test; compress test; ls
M ReadMe cfiles.tar test.Z
bhatt@SE-0 [T] >>uncompress test.Z; ls
M ReadMe cfiles.tar test
Another method of compression is to use the uuencode command. It is quite common to
use a phrase like uuencode a file and then subsequently use uudecode to get the original
file. Let us uuencode our test file. The example is shown below:
bhatt@SE-0 [T] >>uuencode test test > test.uu ; ls; rm test ; \
ls ; uudecode test.uu ; rm test.uu; ls
ReadMe cfiles.tar test test.uu M
ReadMe cfiles.tar test.uu M
ReadMe cfiles.tar test
Note that in using the uuencode command we have repeated the input file name in the
argument list. This is because the command uses the second argument (repeated file
name) as the first line in the compressed file. This helps to regenerate the file with the
original name on using uudecode. Stating it another way, the first argument gives the
input file name but the second argument helps to establish the file name in the output.
One of the most common usages of the uuencode and uudecode is to send binary files.
Internet expects users to employ ASCII format. Thus, to send a binary file it is best to
uuencode it at the source and then uudecode it at the destination.
The way to use uuencode/uudecode is as follows:
uuencode my_tar.tar my_tar.tar > my_tar.uu
There is another way to deal with internet-based exchanges. It is to use MIME (base 64)
format. MIME as well as SMIME (secure MIME), are Internet Engineering Task Force
defined formats. MIME is meant to communicate non-ASCII characters over the net as
attachments to a mail. Being a non-ASCII file, it is ideally suited for transmission of
post-script, graphics, images, audio or video files over the net. A software uudeview
allows one to decode and view both MIME and uuencoded files.
A uuencoded file must end with end without which the file is considered to end
improperly. A program called uudeview is very useful to decode uuencoded files as well
as files in the base 64 format.
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Zip and unzip: Various Unix flavors, as also MS environments, provide instructions to
compress a file with the zip command. A compressed file may be later unzipped by using
an unzip command. In GNU environment the corresponding commands are gzip (to
compress) and gunzip (to uncompress). Below is a simple example which shows use of
these commands:
bhatt@SE-0 [T] >>gzip test; ls; gunzip test.gz; ls;
M ReadMe cfiles.tar test.gz
M ReadMe cfiles.tar test
In MS environment one may use .ZIP or PKZIP to compress and PKUNZIP to
decompress the files.
One of the best known compression schemes is the LZW compression scheme (the letters
LZW stand for the initials of the two inventors and the one who refined the scheme).
It was primarily designed for graphics and image files. It is used in the .gif format. A
discussion on this scheme is beyond the scope of this book.
Network file transfers: The most frequent mode of file transfers over the net is by using
the file transfer protocol or FTP. To perform file-transfer from a host we use the
following command.
This command may be replaced by using an open command to establish a connection
with the host for file transfer. One may first give the ftp command followed by open as
shown below:
The first ftp command allows the user to be in the file transfer mode. The open arranges
to open a connection to establish a session with a remote host. Corresponding to open we
may use close command to close a currently open connection or FTP session. Most FTP
protocols would leave the user in the FTP mode when a session with a remote host is
closed. In that case a user may choose to initiate another FTP session immediately. This
is useful when a user wishes to connect to several machines during a session. One may
use the bye command to exit the FTP mode. Usually, the ftp ftp connects a user to the
local server.
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With anonymous or guest logins, it is a good idea to input one's e-mail contact address as
the password. A short prompt may be used sometimes to prompt the user. Below we
show an example usage:
user anonymous e-mail-address
Binary files must be downloaded using the BINARY command. ASCII files too can be
downloaded with binary mode enabled. FTP starts in ASCII by default. Most commonly
used ftp commands are get and put. See the example usage of the get command.
This command gets the remote file named rfile and assigns it a local file name lfile.
Within the FTP protocol, the hash command helps to see the progression of the ftp
transfers. This is because of # displayed for every block transfer (uploaded or
downloaded). A typical get command is shown below.
ftp> hash
ftp> binary
ftp> get someFileName
During multiple file downloads one may wish to unset interactivity (requiring a user to
respond in y/n) by using the prompt command. It toggles on/off on use as shown in the
example below:
ftp> prompt
ftp> mget filesFromAdirectory
The mget or mput commands offer a selection to determine which amongst the files need
to be transferred. One may write shell scripts to use the ftp protocol command structure.
This may be so written to avoid prompts for y/n which normally shows up for each file
transfer under the mget or mput commands.
Unlike tar, most ftp protocols do not support downloading files recursively from the
subdirectories. However, this can be achieved in two steps. As a first step one may use
the tar command to make an archive. Next, one can use the ftp command to effect the file
transfer. Thus all the files under a directory can be transferred. In the example below, we
additionally use compression on the tarred files.
1. Make a tar file: create xxx.tar file
2. Compress: generate xxx.tar.z file
3. Issue the ftp command: ftp
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Below we have an example of such a usage:
1. Step 1: $ tar -cf graphics.tar /pub/graphics
This step takes all files in /pub/graphics and its subdirectories and creates a tar
file named graphics.tar.
2. Step 2: $ compress graphics.tar
This step will create graphics.tar.z file.
3. Step 3: uncompress graphics.tar.z to get graphics.tar
4. Step 4: tar gf graphics.tar will give file gf .
16.3 Image File Formats for Internet Applications
With the emergence of the multimedia applications, it became imperative to offer
services to handle a variety of file formats. In particular, we need to handle image files to
support both still and dynamic images. Below we give some well known mutimedia file
formats which may be used with images.
File extension Usage
----------------- -------
.AVI Audio visual interleave
.DL Animated picture files (with .PICT .MAC extensions).
.PCX and .BMP May be IBM PC image files
.WPG A word perfect file.
.RAW May be 24 bit RGB picture file.
JPEG is a compression standard specification developed by the Joint Photographic
Engineering Group. There are utilities that would permit viewing the images in the .jpg
files. Most JPEG compressions are lossy compressions. Usage of .jpg files is very
popular on internet because it achieves a very high compression. In spite of being lossy,
jpeg compression invariably works quite well because it takes into account some
weaknesses in human vision. In fact, it works quite adequately with 24-bit image
JPEG files are compressed using a quality factor from 1 to 100 with default being 55.
When sending, or receiving, .jpg files, one should seek for quality factor of 55 and above
to retain image quality at an acceptable level.
The basic uuencoding scheme breaks groups of three 8-bit characters into four 6-bit
patterns and then adds ASCII code 32 (a space) to each 6-bit character which in turn
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maps it on to the character which is finally transmitted. Sometimes spaces are transmitted
as grave-accent (' ASCII 96). The xxencoding is newer and limits itself to 0-9, A-Z, a-z
and +- only. In case a compressed file is uuencoded, uudecode may have to be followed
by an unzip step.
File sizes up to 100{300K are not uncommon for .gif files. Often UseNet files are
delimited to 64k. A typical 640*480 VGA image may require transmission in multiple
parts. Typical .gif file in Unix environment begins as follows:
begin 640 image.gif
640 represents the access rights of file.
Steps for getting a .gif or .jpg files may be as follows:
1. Step 1: Get all the parts of the image file as part files.
2. Step 2: Strip mail headers for each part-file.
3. Step 3: Concatenate all the parts to make one .uue file.
4. Step 4: uudecode to get a .gif/.jpg or .zip file.
5. Step 5: If it is a .zip file unzip it.
6. Step 6: If it is a .jpg file either use jpg image viewer like cview or, alternatively, use
jpg2gif utility to get .gif file.
7. Step 7: View image from .gif file.
On the internet several conversion utilities are available and can be downloaded.
16.4 Performance Analysis and Profiling
One of the major needs in program development environments is to analyse and improve
the performance of programs. For our examples here we assume c programs.
One may use some obviously efficient steps to improve efficiency of code. In his book,
The Art Of Computer System Performance Analysis, Raj Jain advocates the following:
�� Optimize the common case. In other words, if the program has to choose amongst
several operational paths, then that path which is taken most often must be made
very efficient. Statements in this path must be chosen carefully and must be
screened to be optimal.
�� In case we need to test some conditions and choose amongst many alternative
paths by using a sequence of if statements, then we should arrange these if
statements such that the condition most likely to succeed is tested first, i.e.
optimize the test sequence to hit the most likely path quickly.
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�� Within an if statement if there are a set of conditions that are ANDED, then
choose the first condition which is most likely to fail. This provides the quickest
exit strategy.
�� If the data to be checked is in the form of arrays or tables, then put these in the
order such that the most likely ones to be accessed are up front, i.e. these get
checked first.
�� Avoid file input and output as much as possible. Also, batch as much input, or
output, as possible. For instance, suppose we need to process each line of data. In
such a case, get the file first in memory to process it line-by-line rather than
reading the line-by-line data from disk for each step of processing.
�� In the loops make sure to pull out as much data as possible. In particular, values
that do not change within the loop computations need not be within the loop.
Steps To Analyze Performance Of c Programs: The following steps will walk us
through the basic steps:
1. Compile with p option, the profiler option
cc -p a.c
(Additionally, use -o option for linked routines.)
2. Now run the program a.out. (This step results in a mon.out file in the
3. Next see the profile by using prof command as follows: prof a.out
(For more details the reader is advised to see the options in man pages for prof
The profiler gives an estimate of the time spent in each of the functions. Clearly, the
functions that take a large percentage of time and are often used are the candidates for
A sample program profile: First let us study the following program in c:
int a1;
int a2;
add() /* adds two integers */
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int x;
int i;
for (i=1; i <=100000; i++)
x = a1 + a2;
return x;
int k;
a1 = 5;
a2 = 2;
for (k=1; k <=1000000; k++);;
printf("The addition gives %d \n", add());
Now let us see the way it has been profiled.
bhatt@SE-0 [P] >>cc -p a.c
bhatt@SE-0 [P] >>a.out
The addition gives 7
bhatt@SE-0 [P] >>ls
ReadMe a.c a.out mon.out
bhatt@SE-0 [P] >>prof a.out
%Time Seconds Cumsecs #Calls msec/call Name
77.8 0.07 0.07 1 70. main
22.2 0.02 0.09 1 20. add
bhatt@SE-0 [P] >>
The table above lists the percentage time spent in a certain function, time in seconds, and
the number of calls made, average milliseconds on calls and the name of the function
Another profiler is a gprof program. It additionally tries to find the number of iterated
cycles in the program flow graph for function calls.
Text Processing (Improving Performance): Most often computer programs at tempt
text processing. One of the common strategies is the use a loop in the following way:
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1. Find the strlen (the length of the string).
2. Use a loop and do character-by-character scan to process data.
What most users do not realize is that the strlen itself determines the string length by
traversing the string and comparing each of the characters with null.
Clearly, we can check in the loop if the character in the string array is null and process it
if it is not. This can save a lot of processing time in a text processing program.
Sometimes we are required to copy strings and use strcpy to do the task. If the
architecture supports memory block copy, i.e. an instruction like memcpy then this is a
preferred option as it is a block transfer instruction whereas strcpy copies byte-by-byte
and is therefore very slow.

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