Badrish Chandramouli†, Jonathan Goldstein‡, Roger Barga†, Mirek Riedewald , Ivo Santos†
†Microsoft Research ‡Microsoft Corporation Northeastern University
{badrishc, jongold, barga},,
Abstract—A distributed event processing system consists of one
or more nodes (machines), and can execute a directed acyclic
graph (DAG) of operators called a dataflow (or query), over longrunning
high-event-rate data sources. An important component
of such a system is cost estimation, which predicts or estimates
the “goodness” of a given input, i.e., operator graph and/or
assignment of individual operators to nodes. Cost estimation is
the foundation for solving many problems: optimization (plan
selection and distributed operator placement), provisioning, admission
control, and user reporting of system misbehavior.
Latency is a significant user metric in many commercial realtime
applications. Users are usually interested in quantiles of
latency, such as worst-case or 99th percentile. However, existing
cost estimation techniques for event-based dataflows use metrics
that, while they may have the side-effect of being correlated with
latency, do not directly or provably estimate latency. In this paper,
we propose a new cost estimation technique using a metric called
Mace (Maximum cumulative excess). Mace is provably equivalent
to maximum system latency in a (potentially complex, multi-node)
distributed event-based system. The close relationship to latency
makes Mace ideal for addressing the problems described earlier.
Experiments with real-world datasets on Microsoft StreamInsight
deployed over 1—13 nodes in a data center validate our ability
to closely estimate latency (within 4%), and the use of Mace for
plan selection and distributed operator placement.
I. Introduction
Many established and emerging applications can be naturally
modeled using event-based dataflows; examples include
network monitoring [11, 15] and real-time delivery of Web
advertisements [5]. Users register dataflows in the form of
continuous queries (CQs) with the event processing system
(EPS). CQs typically run on an EPS for long periods (weeks
or months) and continuously produce incremental output in
real time for newly arriving input events.
A CQ is usually specified declaratively using a higher-level
language such as LINQ, Esper, or StreamSQL. The CQ is
converted into a dataflow plan which consists of a directed
acyclic graph (DAG) of operators connected by queues of
events. There may be many equivalent plans for a CQ,
with different performance characteristics. Furthermore, in a
distributed system, the operators may themselves be distributed
amongst the available nodes (machines) in different ways.
With the advent of many commercial event-based systems
(e.g., StreamInsight, Oracle CEP, Streambase), the EPS is
faced with a need for solutions to several related problems:
• Query Optimization: For a given set of CQs, we seek to
find the best dataflow plans and/or assignment of operators
to nodes. A closely related problem is re-optimization,
which is the periodic adjustment of the CQs on the basis
of detected changes [22] in input behavior.
• Admission Control: When we try to add or remove a CQ
from the system, we need to quickly and accurately predict
the corresponding impact on the system.
• System Provisioning: The system administrator must determine
the effect of making more or fewer CPU cycles or
nodes available to the system under its current CQ load.
• User Reporting: Users need a meaningful estimate of the
behavior of their CQs. Such an estimate should be based
on a metric that is relevant to users. This could also be used
as a basis for performance guarantees from the system.
A common requirement of each of the above problems
is a good cost metric, and a corresponding estimation (i.e.,
prediction) technique. Our experience with commercial eventbased
applications indicates that latency — the time taken
for an input event to produce a result — is one of the most
important cost metrics to end users in a real-time system.
Users are interested in quantiles such as worst-case, average,
and 99.9th percentile of latency [17]. Thus, latency is an ideal
starting point as a metric to solve the above problems.
Challenges Consider the following commercial event-based
application in the context of real-time Web advertising.
Example 1 (Real-Time Targeted Advertising [5]). Consider
an event processing system that processes complex CQs over
URL clickstreams. Here, each event may be a user click that
navigates the browser from one page to another. Associated
with each event is user-specific demographic data. Such a
system could answer multiple real-time CQs whose results
could be used to display user- or URL-tailored targeted
Web advertisements, or report interesting real-time statistics.
Figure 1 depicts the input event rates seen in such an event
click-stream, that we derived using actual data collected on
an advertisement delivery system over a period of 84 days.
There are several points worth noting from this example.
1) Latency is important: A fast (low latency) response to
incoming events is important to avoid stale decisions such
as the choice of targeted ads (or stock trades). Low worstcase
latency is crucial for applications that monitor critical
infrastructure, as well as for fraud, intrusion, and anomaly
Fig. 1. Input load distribution for click-stream data.
detection, where the harmful activity needs to be discovered
quickly. Further, we see that system behavior, in terms of input
event rate, is relatively predictable over long periods of time
(such as the marked 17 day period). This indicates that we
can highly benefit from an optimizer that produces a lowestlatency
dataflow plan and/or assignment of operators to nodes.
On the other hand, there are periodic shifts, where system
characteristics change significantly, motivating the need for
query re-optimization, updating latency estimates reported to
end users, and re-provisioning for the changed load — again
requiring the ability to estimate latency a priori.
2) Prediction has to be quick: An optimizer needs to
quickly evaluate the merit of a plan, while searching through
a vast space of possible plans, during plan selection. Further,
when we run the dataflow on multiple nodes in a data center,
the optimizer also needs to perform operator placement, i.e.,
choose the “best” assignment of operators to nodes that minimizes
latency. Thus, we need the ability to quickly evaluate
and compare the merit (in terms of latency) of many different
choices without being able to actually run them.
3) Latency is hard to predict: Even during the stable period
marked in Figure 1, there are short-term variations in event
rates (e.g., due to diurnal trends), that make it difficult to
estimate the latency of a particular plan/assignment. Latency
is challenging to predict reliably, because of the complexity
of the dataflow plan and the non-trivial interactions between
components of a distributed system. Note that we cannot
simply measure latency at runtime, as it is not possible to
run all possible plans/placements for a query. Further, system
provisioning requires that we be able to predict the effect of
changes such as the availability of more nodes. It is usually
unfeasible to try out such new deployments without procuring
the additional cycles/cores/machines a priori.
4) We need to predict actual latency: Given the difficulty of
predicting latency, we may wish to consider the use of existing
commonly used metrics such as resource usage [10], number
of intermediate tuples [19], load correlation [33], and feasible
set size [34] as a “proxy” for latency. Some of these metrics
are correlated with latency (in other words, minimizing such
a metric reduces latency). However, a proxy metric cannot
be used for provisioning, admission control, or user reporting
based on latency—such a number cannot detect that a specific
constraint (e.g., worst-case latency should be less than 10 secs)
may be violated, nor can users derive any meaning out of the
number beyond the ability to compare two values in a relative
sense. Thus, we need a technique to directly predict latency
in seconds.
In summary, we seek a latency estimation technique with
these desirable properties: (1) it directly estimates latency, an
intuitive and meaningful metric for a distributed EPS; (2) it
is easy and quick to compute without introducing complexity
into the system; (3) it is generally applicable for multi-node
operator placement as well as for comparing plans on a single
machine; (4) it corresponds precisely to actual latency, on a
provable theoretical basis (beyond intuition).
Contributions We make the following contributions.
• We describe (§ III, IV, and VI) a novel solution for cost
estimation, and the associated cost metric called Mace
(Maximum cumulative excess). Mace is based on a unique
variation of amortized analysis, and satisfies all the desirable
properties outlined earlier.
• We propose a low-overhead scheduling policy and show
(§ V) that with this scheduling policy, Mace provably
corresponds closely to worst-case latency. Our solution
can also be used to estimate latency beyond worst-case,
including average and 99th percentile (cf. § V-B).
• Recognizing that an EPS may wish to use a different
scheduling policy for other reasons, a tuning parameter w
allows us to trade-off latency estimation accuracy while
allowing such variations (§ VII-A). We focus on data
centers, with the extension to general networks in § VII-B.
• We evaluate our solution (§ VIII) with real data on Microsoft
StreamInsight [5] deployed over 1—13 nodes in
a data center. Results validate the equivalence (within 4%
error) between Mace and latency in all cases.
• Our solution is general. We describe two applications in
§ IX — plan selection and distributed operator placement,
for which we propose a new algorithm called Mace-HC.
We evaluate the optimizer’s ability to perform good plan
selection, and also demonstrate, with a simulation of 400
nodes, that Mace-HC is an order-of-magnitude quicker than
competing schemes at finding lower-latency placements.
We cover several extensions in [13], including handling
multi-cores and handling query priorities. Mace and its relation
to latency is applicable to any distributed queue-based
workflow with well-understood operators (tasks) and control
over the scheduling policy. However, we present our findings
in the context of distributed event processing systems.
II. Preliminaries
A. The Distributed Event-Based Dataflow Model
Each dataflow or CQ plan, similar to a database query plan,
consists of a DAG of operators. Each operator consumes events
from one or more input queues, performs computation, and
produces new events to be output or placed on the input queue
of other operators. Operators generate load on their host nodes
by consuming CPU cycles. We target the important practical
scenario where all nodes are located in a data center having
one or more shared-nothing nodes with a high-bandwidth fast
interconnect. Our experiments (cf. Section VIII) using a real
data center validate the expectation that network link costs
are relatively insignificant in such a cluster deployment of an
EPS; an extension to handle high-latency or low-bandwidth
networks is discussed in Section VII-B. As is common in data
center deployments [9], we assume that clocks are synchronized
using standard protocols such as NTP [30].
Definition 1 (EPS and Query Graph). An EPS consists of a
set of n nodes N = {N1, N2, . . . , Nn}, a set of m operators
O = {O1,O2, . . . ,Om}, and a partitioning of the m operators
into n disjoint subsets S = {S 1, . . . , S n} such that S i is the set
of operators assigned to node Ni. The assignment of operators
to nodes is called the operator placement. Note that each of
the m operators may belong to a different CQ.
The query graph G is a DAG over O where the roots of the
graph are referred to as sources, and the leaves of the graph
are referred to as sinks. The operators that an operator Oj is
reachable from (in G) are said to be upstream of Oj. Let each
node Ni have a total available CPU of Ci cycles per time unit.
For example, Figure 3(a) shows an EPS query graph with 3
nodes (N1, N2, and N3), each having available CPU of Ci = 1
cycle/second. The partitioning is S i = {Oi} 81 i 3.
B. Latency
Latency denotes the delay that is introduced by the EPS from
the point of event arrival to result generation. We observe that
no matter how quickly the EPS processes events, an operator
cannot produce an event e before all its “contributing” events
(or punctuations [28]) have arrived from sources outside the
EPS. Latency is intuitively the time interval from this point
of time until the time when e is actually produced by the
operator. As in data warehousing [16], we refer to the set of
contributing source events for event e as the lineage of e.
We focus on worst-case latency as our estimation goal
(other quantiles and averages are covered in Section V-B).
Worst-case metrics are popular in applications with strict realtime
needs, since they provide an upper bound on system
misbehavior, which is often more useful than averages. For
example, users may not want stock trades, fraud/intrusion
detection, or anomaly detection in critical infrastructure, to
be delayed by more than a specified time. It is also common
practice in large systems [17] to optimize for the worst-case
or 99.9th percentile rather than the average case.
C. System Architecture
Figure 2 shows our system architecture. The cost estimator
uses statistics measured by the event processor, such
as selectivity and input event rates. Statistics are based on
historical observations or trial runs on a small input sample.
The estimator accepts a specification of a query graph and
an operator placement, and outputs a latency estimate. The
estimate is used as part of solving problems such as plan
selection, operator placement, provisioning, etc. Figure 2 also
provides a referenced overview of our solutions in this paper.
Query Graph
Node Assignment
Plan Selection
Operator Placement
Admission Control
System Provisioning
User Reporting
Our Contributions
Stimulus Time
(Sec. III-A/D,
- Selectivity
- Cycles/sec
- Arrival TS
(Sec. III-B/C, VI)
Load Time-
(Sec. III-C, VI)
cumulative excess
(Sec. IV, V, VI)
Solutions in Sec. IX
Cost Estimate
Fig. 2. Cost estimation architecture.
III. Latency Estimation in a Distributed EPS
We now present our new building blocks for latency estimation.
In Section IV, we will define Mace and leverage these
building blocks to show the equivalence of Mace to latency.
A. Handling Events Deterministically
Each source event (i.e., from sources outside the EPS) has a
well-known timestamp, the wall-clock time at the instant it
arrives at the EPS. However, intermediate and output events
may be produced at arbitrary wall-clock times, depending on
when individual operators process their input queues. We use
event lineage from Section II to formalize the notion of a
deterministic stimulus time for events.
Definition 2 (Stimulus Time). Each source event is assigned
a new field called stimulus time, which is the wall-clock time
of its arrival at the EPS from outside. The stimulus time of an
event e produced by an operator Oj is the maximum timestamp
across all source events in the lineage of e (i.e., the moment
all source events in its lineage have arrived at the EPS).
In practice, stimulus times can easily be set by an operator
(when it generates a new event), to be the stimulus time of
the associated latest incoming event. Note that this new field
does not affect existing event timestamps or CQ processing
semantics, and is only used to compute latency. We can now
define latency precisely in a distributed EPS.
Definition 3 (Latency). For each output event e produced by
a sink in query graph G, its latency is the difference between
the event’s egress time (the wall-clock time when it exits the
EPS) and its stimulus time.
We collect and compute statistics by dividing time into
equal-width segments. More precisely, a time interval [t1, td+1)
is partitioned into d discrete subintervals (or buckets)
[t1, t2), . . . , [td, td+1) each of width w time units. For brevity,
we will refer to a particular subinterval [tp, tp+1) simply by
its left endpoint tp. Thus, time is represented as a set of
subintervals = {t1, . . . , td}. Figure 3(b) shows an example
set of subintervals, each of width w = 2 seconds.
An event with stimulus time t 2 [tp, tp+1) is said to belong
to subinterval tp. Note that each incoming event (and its “child
events” spawned by operators) belongs to a unique subinterval.
We are interested in the maximum latency over all events
belonging to a subinterval. This results in a time-series of
Fig. 3. (a) An example CQ plan on 3 nodes. (b) DLTS for each of the nodes, over 5 subintervals. Here, subinterval width is w = 2 secs and CPU on each
node is Ci = 1 cycle/sec. (c) CE for each of the nodes, with CE at subinterval t2 highlighted. Worst-case CE (MaceWC) is shown. (d) Lifetime of an event e
which enters EPS at the end of subinterval t2. Latency of e = MaceWC = 5 secs.
such maximum latency values, that we formalize next.
Definition 4 (Maximum Latency). Maximum latency is a
time-series Lat1...d defined over the set of discrete subintervals.
The maximum latency Latp for subinterval tp is the maximum
latency across all output events which belong to subinterval
tp, i.e., whose stimulus times lie in tp. The overall worst-case
latency LatWC is simply the maximum latency seen over the
entire time period. More formally, LatWC = maxtp2 Latp.
B. Modeling Operators
In between the re-optimization points of Figure 1, we model
our dataflow operators similarly to prior work [34], with two
parameters maintained per single-input operator Oj:
• Selectivity ( j), the average number of events generated by
the operator in response to each input event to the operator.
• Cycles/event (!j), the average CPU cycles consumed by
the operator, for each input event to the operator.
In case of operators with q inputs, we maintain these
parameters separately for each input, as j,1...q and !j,1...q.
Note that this model assumes that operators have a linear
relationship between input and output. The generalization to
non-linear operators is covered in Section VI-C.
C. Handling Load Deterministically
The input (from outside) to a EPS is one or more sources of
events, each with time-varying event rates. The event arrival
time-series of source Z is a time-series whose value at each
subinterval tp is simply the number of Z events arriving
between time tp and tp+1. The event arrival time-series may
be known in advance, or we can measure it using observed
data, e.g., during periods of repeatable load in between query
re-optimizations as in Figure 1.
The actual CPU load imposed by operators during execution
is difficult to model accurately because it is dependent on
various factors including actual queue lengths, scheduling
decisions, and runtime conditions. For example, the introduction
of a new query can change the actual load timeseries
imposed by existing operators. This dynamic and hardto-
control nature makes maintaining them or using them to
provide hard guarantees difficult. Moreover, such variability
and system dependence makes our goal of estimating latency
accurately difficult. We therefore adopt an alternate definition
called deterministic load time-series (DLTS). Surprisingly,
this definition not only makes computation of Mace (in
Section IV) easier, but is also crucial in provably establishing
the equivalence of our Mace metric to latency.
Definition 5 (Operator DLTS). The DLTS of an operator Oj is
a time-series l j,1...d whose value l j,p at each subinterval tp 2
equals the total CPU cycles required to process exactly all
input events to Oj that belong to subinterval tp, i.e., whose
stimulus times lie within subinterval tp.
We can view the DLTS of an operator Oj as the load
imposed by Oj assuming perfect upstream, i.e., assuming that
all operators upstream of Oj process events and produce results
instantaneously. Intuitively, we can interpret this assignment of
load to deterministic buckets based on event lineage, as a novel
form of amortized analysis for our estimation problem.
DLTS is (by design) typically very different from the actual
load pattern imposed by Oj during runtime; we will later show
how DLTS can nevertheless be used to accurately estimate the
actual latency. In practice, we can regard l j,p as the product
of (1) the cycles/event parameter (!j), and (2) the number of
input events to Oj that belong to tp. Thus, DLTS is independent
of runtime system behavior. We now define node DLTS.
Definition 6 (Node DLTS). The DLTS of a node Ni is a timeseries
Li,1...d, whose value Li,p at each subinterval tp is the
sum of the deterministic load (at tp) of all operators assigned
to that node. More formally, Li,p = POj2S i l j,p.
Again, note that node DLTS is defined assuming a perfect
upstream, and is typically different from the actual load pattern
imposed on the node during runtime. Figure 3(b) shows
the DLTS time-series for three nodes (subintervals are also
indicated). In case of node N2, for example, we have L2,1 = 3,
L2,2 = 6, and so on.
D. Stimulus Time Scheduling
We propose a low-overhead operator scheduling policy for
the EPS. An EPS typically has one scheduler per core, that
schedules operators to process events according to some policy.
For example, the scheduler may maintain a list of operators
with non-empty queues and use heuristics like round-robin or
longest-queue-first to schedule operators for execution.
Our scheduling policy is called stimulus time scheduling.
The basic idea is that each operator is assigned a priority based
on the earliest stimulus time amongst all events in its input
queue. The scheduler always chooses to execute the operator
having the event with earliest stimulus time.
Definition 7 (Stimulus Time Scheduling). Each node Ni
may execute one operator from S i at a time, and has a
scheduler which schedules operators amongst S i for execution
according to stimulus time scheduling: At any given moment,
the executing operator is processing the event with earliest
stimulus time amongst all input events to operators in S i.
Stimulus time scheduling ensures that the events which have
older stimuli get priority over events with newer stimuli. Note
that since stimulus times become deterministic at the point of
entry into the system, scheduling is no longer dependent on
more operational characteristics such as queue lengths.
As the following theorem shows, stimulus time scheduling
is usually an improvement, in terms of latency, over the round
robin based approaches often used in practice.
Theorem 1. On a single node EPS, stimulus time scheduling is
the optimal scheduling policy to minimize worst-case latency.
Proof: (Intuition) At any given time t, an event with
stimulus time t0 has already incurred a latency of t − t0. Thus,
the event (say e) with earliest stimulus time is the one with
highest as-yet incurred latency. Scheduling any event other
than e only serves to increase the total latency of e, and hence
the worst-case system latency.
We find that in practice, stimulus time scheduling also works
very well in multi-node deployments. It does not require global
knowledge that can be difficult to identify and maintain, but
is necessary for optimal multi-node scheduling for worst-case
latency. Crucially, we will see in Section VI-A that stimulus
time scheduling can be implemented very efficiently, with
constant time event enqueue and dequeue.
IV. Mace: Maximum Cumulative Excess
We now present Mace, our proposed cost metric for an EPS.
We assume the use of stimulus time scheduling in the EPS
(Section VII-A discusses how this assumption can be relaxed).
Recall that every subinterval tp is associated with Ci · w
cycles of CPU capacity on node Ni. Further, assuming a perfect
upstream, each subinterval is associated with Li,p cycles of
work to be performed. We define ideal excess for subinterval
tp as the excess cycles of work assigned to tp beyond the CPU
capacity (Li,p − Ci · w).
Excess work beyond the CPU capacity for a subinterval,
will spill over to the next subinterval. The cumulative excess
(CE) for a node at subinterval tp is the cumulative amount of
pending cycles of work associated with subinterval tp in the
perfect upstream case. We formalize this concept below.
Definition 8 (CE). Cumulative Excess (CE) of a node Ni is a
time-series CEi,1...d whose value CEi,p at each subinterval tp
is defined iteratively as follows: CEi,0 = 0;
CEi,p = max{0,CEi,p−1 + Li,p − Ci · w} 81 p d
In other words, CE tracks the cumulative pending work
over the DLTS and gets reset to 0 when there is no excess. It
reflects the amount of work that node Ni would be “behind” at
subinterval tp if the load imposed by Ni were the node DLTS.
It is important to note that we use DLTS (which is based on
the perfect upstream assumption) to compute CE—thus, CE
does not (by design!) refer to the actual overload experienced
by the node during operation.
Figures 3(b) and 3(c) illustrate the relationship between
DLTS, CPU capacity, and CE for 3 nodes. For example, in case
of N2, we have CE2,1 = CE2,0+L2,1−C2·w = 0+3−2 = 1, while
CE2,2 = CE2,1+L2,2−C2 ·w = 1+6−2 = 5. In other words, N2
has 5 cycles worth of work associated with subinterval t2, and
will need CE2,2/C2 = 5secs to process this old work before it
can process newer events associated with the next subinterval1.
We now formalize the notion of maximum cumulative excess.
Definition 9 (Mace). Mace is a time-series Mace1...d whose
value Macep at each subinterval tp is the greatest cumulative
excess (normalized by node CPU capacity) across all nodes
for that subinterval, i.e., Macep = maxNi2N CEi,p/Ci. The
overall worst-case Mace (MaceWC) is the greatest Mace
across subintervals, i.e., MaceWC = maxtp2 Macep.
Observe that Mace is a deterministic function of the CPU
capacity and DLTS of all nodes. In Figure 3(c), we see that
the Mace time-series is {Mace1 = 1,Mace2 = 5,Mace3 =
3,Mace4 = 2,Mace5 = 4}, while MaceWC = 5.
A. On MaceWC and Worst-Case Latency
Surprisingly, it turns out that MaceWC computed using DLTS
is provably almost equal to the actual worst-case latency
LatWC experienced by the distributed EPS during operation,
regardless of the actual loads imposed by individual operators
and nodes at runtime. The following theorem formalizes this
relationship. The proof (in Section V) is interesting in and
of itself and provides fundamental clarity to the subtle internode
and inter-operator interactions in an EPS. A stronger
version extending the relation beyond worst-case (to averages
and quantiles across time) is also covered in Section V.
Theorem 2 (MaceWC LatWC). Given an EPS which executes
the query graph G according to stimulus time scheduling, and
assuming that the clocks at all nodes are synchronized,
MaceWC LatWC MaceWC + w +
where is a small number (see proof in Section V for details).
1Note that processing the new events earlier is worse for latency, because
older events are delayed even longer.
We now develop some intuition behind this result, for a
simple example scenario. Assume that there are three nodes
(N1, N2, N3) and three operators (O1,O2,O3) in the EPS, with
each operator Oi assigned to node Ni as in Figure 3(a). Let the
CPU capacity of each node be Ci = 1 cycle per second, and
the subinterval width be w = 2 seconds. Thus, the available
CPU at each subinterval is Ci · w = 2 cycles. The DLTS and
CE of each node are shown in Figures 3(b) and 3(c).
For subinterval t2, note that the cumulative excess (CE) for
nodes N1, N2, and N3 are 2, 5, and 3 cycles respectively. Thus,
N2 has the maximum CE of Mace2 = CE2,2/C2 = 5 seconds.
Let an event e arrive from outside at the end of subinterval
t2 (i.e., stimulus time is t3). Figure 3(d) shows the progress
of event e through the operators. We consider two phases
separately (since Ci = 1, we drop this term below for clarity):
N2 and upstream node N1: Event e will normally get
processed at N1 and reach N2 at time t3 + CE1,2. In general,
if there were more nodes upstream, e will reach N2 at time
t3 + CE2,2 since CE2,2 CE ,2. Further, due to stimulus
time scheduling, we know that as long as the e reaches N2
at or before t3 + CE2,2, it will get processed at N2 at time
t3 + CE2,2 = t3 + 5. This is because scheduling at N2 depends
only on e’s stimulus time and not the time when e actually
reaches N2.
N2 and downstream node N3: Event e will get processed at
N2 and reach N3 at time t3+CE2,2 = t3+5. Since CE2,2 CE ,2,
we know that at N3 (and further downstream nodes if any), this
event is guaranteed to have the earliest stimulus time (because
CE2,2 is maximum). Due to stimulus time scheduling, e will
get processed at N3 immediately and will be output at time
t3 + CE2,2 = t3 + 5. We see that e’s latency (which is LatWC)
of 5 seconds corresponds exactly to CE2,2 and MaceWC.
V. Mace’s Equivalence to Maximum Latency
We prove that using DLTS and stimulus time scheduling,
MaceWC equals LatWC to within a small margin of error. The
main theorem is stated and proved in Section V-A, followed
by a stronger version of the theorem which can be proved in
a similar manner. Table I summarizes our notations. We make
the following assumptions:
(A-1) Without loss of generality, t1 = 0 and Ci = 1 8i. Hence,
all loads can be described directly in time units. During
each subinterval, a node may perform w units of work.
(A-2) For each input source, within each subinterval tp, we
assume that events have a constant inter-arrival time ,
where the first event arrives at tp, and the last event
arrives at tp+1 − .
(A-3) Within a particular subinterval, each operator Oj requires
a constant amount of load (!j,q cycles) to process
each event from its qth input queue, which belongs to
that subinterval.
Before stating the theorem, we introduce two lemmas:
Lemma 1 (Single Node Case). Given the most latent event e
with stimulus time tp and latency Latp in a system with one
node Ni,
0 Latp CEi,p−1 + Li,p.
Also, if CEi,p−1 + Li,p − w > 0,
CEi,p−1 + Li,p − w Latp.
Proof: (Sketch) We explain the bounds in the lemma:
Lower Bound If CEi,p−1 + Li,p − w > 0, then we are unable
to fully process the input during tp. This implies that the most
latent event, if it arrived at the last possible instant, could
have as little latency as the amount of work left after tp is
over. This quantity is the previous excess (CEi,p−1), plus the
time to process the new load (Li,p), minus the processing time
(w) consumed during the current time interval.
Upper Bound In the worst case, the most latent event is
guaranteed to have latency less than the latency it would have
had if all input events belonging to tp arrived at tp. In this
situation, the latency would be the time it takes to process the
previous excess (CEi,p−1), plus the time to process the new
load (Li,p).
Lemma 2 (Bottleneck Lemma). Given a particular subinterval
tp, an operator Oj, the only operator running on node
Ni, with q input queues and their associated load per event
quantities (see A-3) for that subinterval !j,1...q, if the operators
which feed and consume events from Oj all reside on nodes
with CE CEi,p, then Oj introduces at most:
= Pc=1...q !j,c
additional latency to the most latent event belonging to tp.
Proof: (Intuition) Due to the constant inter-arrival time
assumption (A-2), on an individual input queue basis, work
associated with processing that input is equally spread across
each time interval. If this work was scheduled to execute in
a perfectly spread out fashion, no additional latency would be
introduced by Oj since (1) any upstream operator (all residing
on nodes with CE CEi,p) would feed work to Oj no faster
than Oj could process it, and (2) all downstream operators
(also all residing on nodes with CE CEi,p) would be unable
to process their load faster than Oj could deliver work.
However, since events are scheduled to execute at discrete
times, and fully utilize the processor while executing, events
may execute till a slightly later time than they would in the
more continuous model described above. More specifically,
in the worst case, each input other than the one with the
most latent event e might process an event just prior to the
proper processing time for e. Each of these events would then
monopolize the CPU while being processed, following which
event e gets processed. This sequence of actions results in
the bound in the proof. Note that this sum is a very small
number, as the typical time for an operator to process an event
is on the order of microseconds.
A. Statement and Proof of Theorem 2
Given an EPS which executes the query graph G according to
stimulus time scheduling, and assuming that the clocks at all
nodes are synchronized,
MaceWC LatWC MaceWC + w + .
Symbol Description Reference
{N1, . . . , Nn} Set of nodes (machines) in the EPS Def. 1
{O1, . . . ,Om} Set of operators in the EPS Def. 1
Ci Available CPU cycles per time unit, on node Ni Def. 1
{t1, . . . , td } Division of time into segments Sec. III-A
Lat1...d Max. latency across events in each subinterval Def. 4
LatWC Worst-case latency in EPS Def. 4
j,1...q Selectivity of operator Oj , qth input queue Sec. III-B
!j,1...q Cycles/event imposed by operator Oj , qth input Sec. III-B
l j,1...d Deterministic Load Time-Series for operator Oj Def. 5
Li,1...d Deterministic Load Time-Series for node Ni Def. 6
CEi,1...d Cumulative Excess (cycles) time-series for node Ni Def. 8
Mace1...d Maximum cumulative excess time-series Def. 9
MaceWC Worst-case Maximum cumulative excess Def. 9
Summary of main terminology.
where is a small number which will be precisely specified
later in the proof.
Proof: (By Contradiction) Assume the existence of an
event with maximum latency LatWC s.t. LatWC < MaceWC or
LatWC > MaceWC + w + .
Part 1 (Assume that LatWC < MaceWC)
Let Ni to be the node with highest Mace (MaceWC). Further,
assume that all other nodes process their input instantly, and
therefore introduce no latency beyond that introduced by Ni.
We may now treat the EPS as a single-node system, where
all operators on other nodes have been moved to Ni and have
zero latency. Note that the latency experienced by any event
on such a system will at most be equal to the worst-case
latency on the original multi-node system, although MaceWC
is unchanged. As a result, a contradiction to our assumption
(LatWC < MaceWC) on this system implies a contradiction on
our original multi-node EPS.
Let e be the event with stimulus time tp = time of worst-case
Mace with highest latency Latp:
CEi,p = max{0, CEi,p−1 + Li,p − w} (by Definition 8)
Therefore, if (CEi,p−1 + Li,p − w) 0 then
CEi,p = 0, Latp 0 =) Latp CEi,p = MaceWC
Otherwise, if (CEi,p−1 + Li,p − w) > 0 then
CEi,p = CEi,p−1 + Li,p − w,
Latp CEi,p−1 + Li,p − w (by Lemma 1) =)
Latp CEi,p = MaceWC
Combining the above with Definition 4, we get:
LatWC Latk MaceWC
A contradiction has been reached.
Part 2 (Assume that LatWC > MaceWC + w + )
Let e be the event with maximum latency LatWC >
MaceWC + w + . Let tp be the stimulus time for e. Also,
let Ni be the node with maximum CE at time tp. If all nodes
other than Ni introduced no latency (the operators had zero
latency), this would be equivalent to a single-node EPS with
node Ni and with worst-case latency at most that of the original
system. For this alternate system, we have
LatWC CEi,p−1 + Li,p (by Lemma 1) =)
LatWC − w CEi,p−1 + Li,p − w =)
LatWC − w max{0, CEi,p−1 + Li,p − w} =)
LatWC − w CEi,p (by Definition 8) =)
LatWC CEi,p + w
Note that since MaceWC CEi,p, we have
LatWC MaceWC + w.
We now begin a process of “activating” nodes other than Ni
by allowing them and their associated operators to contribute
to worst-case latency. To avoid a contradiction, the accumulated
latency from activating these nodes must exceed some
small value . Therefore, if we specify a small value which
is guaranteed to bound this added latency, we have reached a
Consider that, without affecting latency, we may treat all
operators on a given node as a single operator with many
inputs and many outputs. In this fashion, this “fused” operator
may be considered a single operator running exclusively on its
associated node. Note that this is a precondition for Lemma 2.
Now, consider activating the nodes in descending CE order.
Note that this implies that at the time a node is activated, all
inputs and outputs go to nodes with equal or higher CE, and
Lemma 2 informs us that activating the node may not introduce
more than some small amount ( ) of latency. This amount is
accumulated as all nodes are activated, and assigned the
result. We have reached a contradiction.
B. Estimating Latency Averages/Quantiles
Theorem 3 (Stronger Version of Theorem 2). Given an EPS
which executes a query graph G according to stimulus time
scheduling, assuming synchronized clocks at all nodes, and
assuming that Latp is the highest latency of any output with
stimulus time tp,
Macep Latp Macep + w + .
Proof: Omitted for brevity. Since CE is self-containing
(i.e., each subinterval incorporates the effects of earlier subintervals),
the proof uses a similar reasoning as in Theorem 2.
In other words, if we divide output events into sets based
on the subinterval they belong to, we can accurately estimate
the maximum latency for each set (subinterval). Thus, we can
estimate the average and quantiles (across time) of maximum
latency. Note that if stimulus times are unique, as w gets
smaller, the above estimates of average and quantiles (across
time) of maximum latency converge to the actual average and
quantiles (across events) of latency.
VI. Implementation Details
A. Stimulus Time Scheduling
An EPS scheduler typically runs on a single thread per CPU
core, and chooses operators for execution on that core. When
an event enters the EPS from outside, we attach the current
wall-clock time to the event as its stimulus time. When an
operator receives an event or punctuation with stimulus time
t, any output produced by the operator as a consequence is
attached a stimulus time of t. Note that stimulus times are
retained without modification across machine boundaries.
Efficient Implementation The naive method of achieving
stimulus time scheduling is to use priority queues (PQs)
ordered by stimulus time, to implement event queues. This
gives O(lg n) enqueue and dequeue, where n is the number of
events in the queue. We reduce the cost to a constant using
the following technique. Each event queue is implemented
as a collection of k FIFO queues, where k is the number of
unique paths from this queue (edge) to the sources in the query
graph. Note that k is at most a small constant known at plan
compilation time. Event enqueue translates into an enqueue
into the correct FIFO queue (based on the event’s path), while
dequeue is similar to a k-way merge over the head elements of
the k FIFO queues. Both are O(lg k) operations using a small
tree and min-heap respectively. Correctness follows from the
fact that operators process input in stimulus time order, causing
each FIFO queue to always be in stimulus time order.
The scheduler maintains a priority queue (ordered by earliest
event stimulus time) of active operators.When invoked, the
scheduler schedules the operator having the event with lowest
stimulus time in its queue. Batching of events amortizes the
scheduler cost incurred at the time of selecting an operator for
execution, without causing our latency estimate to diverge by
a significant amount.
B. Computing Statistics
We first derive the external event arrival time-series; this can
be obtained by observing event arrivals in the past or may be
inferred based on models of expected input arrival distribution.
We also maintain statistics for each operator Oj in the query
graph as follows. Operator cycles/event (!j) is determined by
measuring the time taken for each call to the operator and number
of events processed during the call. Scheduling overhead is
incorporated into the operator cost. Operator selectivity ( j) is
measured by maintaining counters for the number of input and
output events. Note that all our parameters are independent
of the actual operator-node mapping and node CPU cost,
which makes them particularly suited to operator placement,
system provisioning, and user reporting. We cover the details
of estimating operator parameters for unseen dataflow plans
(during plan selection) in Section IX-A.
C. Computing DLTS and Mace
Let us first assume that each operator has only one input
queue. For each operator Oj, we first derive the input stimulus
time-series Aj,1...d — the value Aj,p at each subinterval tp
is simply the number of input events to Oj that belong to
(i.e., have stimulus time in) subinterval tp. We compute Aj,1...d
in a bottom-up fashion starting from the source operators.
For a source operator Os, As,1...d is simply the corresponding
external event arrival time-series. For an operator Oj whose
upstream parent operator is Oj0 , we have Aj,1...d = Aj0,1...d · j0 .
Now, the DLTS of any operator Oj is easy to calculate as
l j,1...d = Aj,1...d ·!j. Once we have the DLTS for each operator,
CE and Mace are easy to compute by directly applying
Definitions 6, 8, and 9. The overall complexity of these
computations is O(d · m), for d subintervals and m operators.
In case of an operator with multiple inputs, statistics are
maintained for each input separately; we use a function (usually
a linear combination) to derive the DLTS of the operator
and the input stimulus time-series for its child operators.
Note that the model presented here assumes, for each
operator, linearity in both the output rate and CPU load relative
to input rates. Clearly this is a poor choice for some operators
(e.g. joins can be quadratic [32]). For these operators,
more complex models involving non-linear terms are needed.
Fortunately, since we are basing the fitting of these models
on a great deal of input data, there is no risk of overfitting.
Note that assigning these models to relational operators is a
well-researched area in database query optimization.
VII. Extensions
A. Incorporating Other Scheduling Policies
We use stimulus time scheduling to establish the equivalence
of Mace to latency. While this scheduling policy is very
attractive (as discussed in Section III-D), we recognize that
an EPS may wish to use different policies to achieve other
system properties (e.g., taking operator priorities into account).
We can extend the Mace-Lat relationship so that: (1) we
enforce stimulus time scheduling only across subintervals, i.e.,
all events in subinterval ti are scheduled before any event
in subinterval t j, 8 j > i; (2) for events within the same
subinterval, we can use any scheduling policy.
In this case, Lemma 2 guarantees a higher (and hence
). Specifically, we have = Pc=1...q Li,p. Thus, by making
the subinterval width w larger, we can incorporate other
scheduling policies. In practice, no scheduling policy would
delay event processing beyond some reasonable time, so w
does not have to be arbitrarily large. The tradeoff is a looser
bound for latency. Thus, w serves as a tuning parameter
to balance latency predictability against any advantages that
another scheduling policy might give the EPS.
B. Handling Low-Bandwidth & High-Latency Network Links
In this paper, we have focused on EPSs running inside data
centers with high-bandwidth and low-latency interconnects.
Our experiments in Section VIII using a real data center
deployment validate this assumption in practical scenarios. We
now extend our solution to relax these assumptions.
Link Capacity Link capacity is just another resource that
introduces latency due to queuing of events. In networkconstrained
scenarios, we treat link capacity (bytes/sec) like
CPU capacity, and take into account how load (bytes) accumulates
at network links when computing Mace. Thus, the
techniques work unmodified, except for the addition of new
nodes corresponding to network links in the query graph.
Propagation Delay Refer to Definition 1. Let the machine
graph be a graph over S; it is derived from the query graph
by merging all operators S i on the same machine Ni into one
vertex. We set the weight of an edge from S i to S j in the
machine graph to the propagation delay (PD) between nodes
Ni and Nj. For each machine Nj, we pre-compute Pj
min and
max as the minimum and maximum cost paths, over all paths
in the graph from a source to a sink, that contain vertex S j.
During estimation, we calculate Mace for each machine using
our techniqes, taking PD into account when computing DLTS.
Fig. 4. Estimated vs. actual LatWC, increasing
training size.
Fig. 5. Latency and Mace for the entire time-series. Fig. 6. Latency and MaceWC for different data
The adjusted Mace (called Mace0) for a node Nj has bounds
Mace + Pj
Mace0 Mace + Pj
max. These per-machine
Mace0 bounds are used to modify the LatWC bounds of Thm. 2;
the lower bound for LatWC uses the maximum (across nodes)
lower bound of Mace0, while the upper bound for LatWC uses
the maximum (across nodes) upper bound of Mace0.
VIII. Evaluation
We now show that despite using a seemingly simple system
model, we achieve highly accurate latency estimation results
in practice. This validates our provable result for real datasets
using a commercial EPS running in a multi-node data center.
Setup We use StreamInsight [5] to run all experiments. We
modified the EPS as described in Section VI. Single-node
experiments (the default) were performed on a 3.0GHz Intel
Core 2 Duo PC with 3GB of main memory, running Windows
Vista. Multi-node experiments were performed on a cluster of
13 2.33GHz Intel Xeon machines with 4GB memory, running
Windows Server 2008 and connected over Gigabit Ethernet.
Event Workload We use real Web clickstream data (see
Example 1) as input to our experiments. Each event is a report
including the timestamp of the click, source and destination
URLs, and other information including user demographics
(gender, age, etc.). The data is partitioned by source URL
domain, giving five datasets each with around 200k events. In
order to show the effects of different event arrival patterns,
we feed events to the system using a load generator motivated
by the popular On-Off model [3]. Briefly, events are generated
as a sequence of high and low load periods. The ratio between
average high load and average low load is set to 100 (to model
burstiness), while the ratio between the average durations of
high and low load is set to 0.33. The duration of each period
is drawn from an exponential distribution. During each period,
events are generated with exponentially distributed inter-arrival
times. Results using the original arrival patterns directly were
identical and slightly less insightful; they are omitted for space.
Query Workload We use a set of one to five queries. Each
query outputs results for a particular domain, indicating the
percentage of male and female visitors. We use a sliding
window with results reported periodically. The query has 14
operators, including projects, joins, selects, windowing, input,
output, and custom operators such as those to extract parts
of the URL and perform user-defined computations. Such a
query is useful for demographic targeting in Web advertising.
1) Varying Amount of Training Data We run a single query
with 14 operators over a small number of events (training data)
to estimate operator statistics of selectivity and cycles/event.
We then use these statistics to compute MaceWC for a dataset
of 75k events, for a particular event arrival pattern generated by
our workload generator. Subinterval width is set to 1 second.
We compare our MaceWC to the measured worst-case latency
(LatWC) incurred by actually executing our EPS for that event
workload. Figure 4 shows the quality of our cost estimate as
we increase the number of events used to compute statistics.
We see that with as few as 6k events (8% of total events), our
computed metric of MaceWC estimates LatWC with an error of
less than 3%.
2) Estimating Latency Across Time We use the same
setup as before and first compute the operator statistics. We
then compute the DLTS for a generated event arrival pattern,
which is used to compute the entire Mace time-series. We then
execute the query to measure the actual latency for each output
event. In Figure 5, we plot both the Mace time-series and the
measured latencies as a function of event stimulus time. We
see that latency rises and falls with time, but Mace for each
subinterval tracks the highest latency within that subinterval
very closely. For simplicity, we will focus on worst-case Mace
(MaceWC) for the remaining experiments.
3) Predicting MaceWC for Different Data Chunks We split
the event dataset into three parts corresponding to different
time chunks. We use the first chunk to compute operator
statistics. We then compute MaceWC assuming a different
event arrival pattern applied to each of the three chunks.
Figure 6 shows the computed MaceWC and the actual measured
latency variations with time, for each portion of the dataset.We
see that using our techniques, MaceWC estimates worst-case
latency accurately (within 4%) for different portions of the
workload experiencing different event arrival patterns, given
knowledge of only the original operator statistics and the
expected event arrival workload.
4) Scale-Up to Multiple Operators We increase the number
of operators running on a single node from 14 to 70, by
running multiple query instances. Each query uses a dataset
for clicks from a different domain, and a different event
arrival pattern. We divide the dataset into two portions, derive
operator statistics using the first portion, and make estimations
for the second portion. Figure 7 reports the estimated and
actual worst-case latencies as we increase the number of
Fig. 7. Increasing number of
simultaneous CQs.
Fig. 8. Increasing number of
nodes in cluster.
Fig. 9. Three CQ plans (only 5 of 14
operators shown for brevity).
Fig. 10. Estimated vs. actual latency,
increasing training size.
operators. Even with 70 operators, our estimate of worst-case
latency closely matches the measured value.
5) Scale-Up to Multiple Nodes We increase the number
of nodes in the cluster from 4 to 13. For each setting, we
choose a random partitioning of 42 operators (running queries
on the real dataset) across the machines. We first estimate
worst-case latency for that partitioning using our technique,
and then measure the actual worst-case latency on the cluster.
Figure 8 shows that our estimate of worst-case latency closely
matches the measured value (with less than 3% error) even in
the highly distributed scenario.
IX. Applications of Latency Estimation
We discuss how Mace can be used for the applications
of plan selection and operator placement. We assume that
latency is the metric to be minimized during selection and
placement. It is important to note that if the EPS wishes to
optimize for other metrics in combination with latency (e.g., a
combination of throughput, resiliency, and latency), this could
easily be incorporated during the optimization process. Other
applications such as admission control, system provisioning,
and user reporting are covered in our technical report [13].
A. Plan Selection
Our goal during plan selection is to choose the plan with
lowest worst-case latency. Based on Theorem 2, we can
formulate plan selection as the optimization problem: Find
the plan that minimizes MaceWC. We can formulate similar
problems for other latency goals too, e.g., Find the plan that
minimizes average or 99th percentile (across time) of Mace.
Parameter Estimation In order to predict latency for a
plan, we need to estimate selectivity and cycles/event for each
operator. One alternative is to adapt techniques from traditional
databases, such as building statistics on incoming event data
and estimating statistics using knowledge of operator behavior.
For example, we can estimate the selectivity of a filter using a
histogram on the column being filtered. Another approach that
works well in an EPS is to actually execute the plan over a
small subset of incoming data, and measure the statistics. Our
experiments below show that the latter approach works very
well for plan selection, finding the best plan using a sample
of just 500 events (< 1% of the total events).
Navigating the Search Space We have a search space of
CQ plans obtained using techniques such as query rewriting,
reordering joins and predicates, operator fusing (replacing
inter-operator queues with function calls), etc. Navigating this
search space can use traditional schemes like branch-andbound
or dynamic programming [27].
We can estimate the “goodness” of a plan by assuming
a single node2 and computing MaceWC using the techniques
described in Section VI, in time O(d ·m). Note that due to the
long-running nature of CQs and the potentially high reward of
good plans, an EPS can adopt an iterative approach of periodic
re-optimization, similar to techniques proposed for traditional
databases [25]. Re-optimization can be performed when the
statistics have been detected to have changed significantly
(e.g., using techniques proposed in [22]) — for instance, at
the re-optimization points indicated in Figure 1.
A.1) Evaluation of Plan Selection
We wish to validate our hypothesis that operator statistics
derived using a small portion of events can be used for accurate
latency prediction by an optimizer. We use a single machine in
conjunction with synthetic data (75k events) on stock trades.
Each event contains a price, volume, and review. Prices are
modeled as a random walk with 80% probability of increasing,
while volumes are drawn from a truncated uniform random
distribution. We use the following CQ: Apply a user-defined
select (UDS) to the reviews of pairs of falling trades (i.e.,
trades with price lower than the immediately preceding trade)
within a one minute window, which have similar volumes.
The optimizer explores three alternate CQ plans for this
query (see Figure 9). It first measures statistics using a small
sample of events, and then computes MaceWC for comparing
the plans. In Figure 10, we show MaceWC for each plan, as
we increase the event sample size. We also execute each of the
alternate plans and show the measured worst-case latency in
the figure. We note that: (1) using just 500 events to compute
statistics gives enough accuracy to differentiate between the
plans, and (2) the best plan is one where the expensive filter
is neither at the source nor at the sink of the CQ.
B. Operator Placement
Given a query graph G, we wish to find an assignment
of operators in G to nodes, that minimizes worst-case latency.
As before, we can formulate operator placement as
an optimization problem, e.g., “Find the operator placement
that minimizes MaceWC”. Operator placement is a dominant
2While the best plan could depend to a limited extent on the operator
placement in a distributed setting, we treat these independently for simplicity,
and discuss operator placement in Section IX-B.
Mace-HC(1 time-budget b) begin
2 s CurrentTime() ; // start time
3 m 1 ; // Worst-case Mace
4 while CurrentTime() − s < b do
5 p random placement;
6 Hill-climb p to local optimum;
m7 0 MaceWC(p);
if m0 < m then m m0 8 ;
9 if insignificant improvement for many
iterations then break;
10 return m;
11 end
Fig. 11. Operator placement algorithm Mace-HC.
parameter value
# independent sources 5
Prob. operator is anti-correlated 0.1
Ratio avg. rate high / low load 10
Ratio avg. duration high / low load 0.25
Skew for #ops per independent source 1.0
Min/Max operator selectivity 0.2/2
Skew for operator selectivity 1.5
Number of selectivity ranges 20
Avg. system load (idealistic) 0.75
Max. #hill-climb steps per iteration 10, 000
Fig. 12. Summary of parameters. Fig. 13. Mace-HC vs. other placement schemes.
[33, 34] form of query optimization in an EPS.
We can show that operator placement to minimize MaceWC
is NP-hard, by a reduction from vector scheduling [14] (our
technical report [13] has the details). However, it turns out
that a simple probabilistic placement algorithm that assigns
each operator uniformly at random to a node achieves a
very good approximation ratio, is very fast, and does well
when there are many more operators than nodes. Based on
this observation, we propose an algorithm called Mace-HC
(see Figure 11) that repeatedly performs randomly seeded
hill-climbing until a time budget is exhausted or there is
insignificant improvement after many iterations. Since the goal
is to minimize MaceWC, each hill-climbing step starts from
a random operator placement and greedily moves operators
away from the bottleneck node (one with the highest Mace),
such that overall MaceWC improves.
Runtime Complexity Assume that we have m operators, n
nodes, and d subintervals. Random placement has complexity
O(m). The complexity of hill climbing depends on the number
of successful operator migration steps. During each step, it
costs O(n · d) to find the bottleneck node and the target node.
In the worst case, the algorithm has to try all operators on the
node, giving a total runtime complexity of O(m · n · d).
B.1) Evaluation of Operator Placement
We evaluate our placement algorithm that directly minimizes
worst-case latency, against the following:
• Baseline, a simple randomized algorithm that places operators
uniformly at random without hill-climbing. Baseline
was run 10,000 times to obtain the distribution of runtime
and result quality for simple random operator placements.
• Random, which is an advanced version of Baseline. It performs
several rounds of random placements and remembers
the best placement (with lowest MaceWC) seen so far.
• Corr, the load correlation based placement algorithm [33].
It seeks to minimize load variance on each node and
maximize correlation of the load time-series between different
nodes, while balancing average load across nodes.
Note that Corr optimizes for a different metric; thus, the
primary intention of comparing to Corr is to validate our
expectation that by not optimizing directly for latency, we
may produce placements that are suboptimal for latency.
Setup We simulate the event arrival pattern at each operator,
and only compare the placement algorithms (run at a central
server) in terms of convergence speed and the MaceWC value
of the best placement found. MaceWC is a reasonable basis for
comparison since it was shown to be equivalent to worst-case
latency. We simulate up to 400 nodes in our experiments. Our
server is an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz PC with 2GB of main
memory running Windows Vista.
Workload We generate multiple event sources as in Section
VIII. Operators are assigned to the sources using a
Zipf distribution with parameter 1.0. To model the effect of
upstream operators, we multiply load by an operator-specific
selectivity factor, drawn uniformly from a range that is chosen
out of several predefined ranges using a Zipf distribution.
The default parameters are shown in Figure 12. To make the
algorithms comparable, we give them the same time budget,
determined by the runtime of Corr until an average load
correlation of = 0.8 (used in [33]) is reached.
Increasing Network Nodes and Operators We increase the
number of nodes and operators, and compare the algorithms.
Scale factor X corresponds to 20·X nodes and 200·X operators.
Figure 13 shows MaceWC for each algorithm, for scale factors
1, 5, and 20. We see that Baseline and Random perform badly.
Corr is better than the simpler schemes, while Mace-HC gives
the lowest worst-case latency.
Runtime and Result Quality We studied how fast Mace-
HC converges to a good operator placement, and found that
across the various scale factors, Mace-HC quickly converges
and produces low-latency placements at least an order of
magnitude faster than simpler schemes (see [13] for details).
X. Related Work
Cost Metrics Many cost metrics have been proposed in the
past for event-based systems. Intermediate tuples [19] tries to
find a plan that reduces the number of tuples flowing between
join operators. Feasible set size [34] tries to maximize the
set of input rate combinations that do not result in overload.
Load correlation [33] tries to reduce average latency indirectly
by minimizing load variance and maximizing load correlation
across nodes. Other metrics proposed include resource usage
[10] and output rate [32, 6]. SBON [26] and SAND [4] use
network bandwidth-delay product as the metric. We observe
that each solution excels in particular areas.
On the other hand, Mace has the unique property of being
a provably accurate estimator of latency, an intuitive and
significant user metric for many applications. We show how
our solution can be used as a cost model for plan selection,
placement, admission control, provisioning, and user reporting.
Interestingly, the above systems can leverage Mace to either
incorporate system latency into their optimization goal, or
provide accurate latency reporting alongside their own metric.
Queuing Systems Queuing theory [20] has provided valuable
insights into scheduling decisions in multi-operator and
multi-resource queuing systems, but results are usually limited
by high computational cost and strong assumptions about
underlying data and processing cost distributions. We make no
assumptions about the underlying distribution, with a provable
latency result while remaining in the discrete domain, which
makes our solution efficient and practical to implement.
Traditional Solutions Query optimization in databases is
a well-studied problem [25, 27]. In addition, there have been
studies on load balancing in traditional distributed and parallel
systems [18, 23]. These techniques do not carry over directly
to event processing [1, 7, 15], because our queries are long
running, disk I/O is not the bottleneck, operator scheduling
is different, there is greater value to periodic re-optimization,
and per-tuple load balancing decisions are too costly.
Scheduling and QoS Classic scheduling schemes such
as FIFO and SJF generally do not focus on the problem
of continuously scheduling rapidly arriving short jobs to
achieve predictable and low worst-case latency. Some proposed
scheduling techniques for EPSs [8, 12] may have a
side-effect of improving latency. Scheduling schemes in realtime
and main-memory databases [2, 21, 24] are related, but
deal with a different scenario and do not usually focus on
worst-case latency. QoS-aware load shedding [29] has been
proposed, while Tu et al. [31] handle QoS using adaptation and
admission control. Our work is complementary— we propose
a cost estimation solution with a provably close relation to
latency, and use it to solve important applications.
XI. Conclusions
Latency is a metric that is significant to users in many commercial
real-time applications. In this paper, we first suggest
a stimulus time based scheduling policy that works very well
for such applications. We propose a new latency estimation
technique that produces a metric called Mace. We show that
Mace is provably equivalent to maximum system latency
in a complex distributed event processing system. Mace is
intuitive, easy to compute, and applicable to problems such as
optimization, placement, provisioning, admission control, and
user reporting of system misbehavior. Experiments using real
datasets and a cluster deployment with StreamInsight validate
our ability to estimate latency at high accuracy, and the use
of Mace in applications such as plan selection and distributed
operator placement. Finally, we note that Mace’s relation to
latency is more generally applicable to any event-queue-based
distributed workflow with control over scheduling.
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