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Tuesday, February 1, 2011
In recent years, advances in hardware technology have facilitated new ways of
collecting data continuously. In many applications such as network monitoring,
the volume of such data is so large that it may be impossible to store the data
on disk. Furthermore, even when the data can be stored, the volume of the
incoming data may be so large that it may be impossible to process any particular
record more than once. Therefore, many data mining and database operations
such as classification, clustering, frequent pattern mining and indexing become
significantly more challenging in this context.
In many cases, the data patterns may evolve continuously, as a result of which
it is necessary to design the mining algorithms effectively in order to account for
changes in underlying structure of the data stream. This makes the solutions of the
underlying problems even more difficult from an algorithmic and computational
point of view. This book contains anumber of chapters which are carefully chosen
in order to discuss the broad research issues in data streams. The purpose of this
chapter is to provide an overview of the organization of the stream processing
and mining techniques which are covered in this book.
1 Introduction
In recent years, advances in hardware technology have facilitated the ability
to collect data continuously. Simple transactions of everyday life such as using
a credit card, a phone or browsing the web lead to automated data storage.
Similarly, advances in information technology have lead to large flows of data
across IP networks. In many cases, these large volumes of data can be mined for
interesting and relevant information in a wide variety of applications. When the
volume of the underlying data is very large, it leads to a number of computational
and mining challenges:
With increasing volume of the data, it is no longer possible to process the
data efficiently by using multiple passes. Rather, one can process a data
item at most once. This leads to constraints on the implementation of the
underlying algorithms. Therefore, stream mining algorithms typically
need to be designed so that the algorithms work with one pass of the
In most cases, there is an inherent temporal component to the stream
mining process. This is because the data may evolve over time. This
behavior of data streams is referred to as temporal locality. Therefore,
a straightforward adaptation of one-pass mining algorithms may not be
an effective solution to the task. Stream mining algorithms need to be
carefully designed with a clear focus on the evolution of the underlying
Another important characteristic of data streams is that they are often mined in
a distributed fashion. Furthermore, the individual processors may have limited
processing and memory. Examples of such cases include sensor networks, in
which it may be desirable to perfom in-network processing of data stream with
limited processing and memory [8, 191. This book will also contain a number
of chapters devoted to these topics.
This chapter will provide an overview of the different stream mining algorithms
covered in this book. We will discuss the challenges associated with each
kind of problem, and discuss an overview of the material in the corresponding
2. Stream Mining Algorithms
In this section, we will discuss the key stream mining problems and will
discuss the challenges associated with each problem. We will also discuss an
overview of the material covered in each chapter of this book. The broad topics
covered in this book are as follows:
Data Stream Clustering. Clustering is a widely studied problem in the
data mining literature. However, it is more difficult to adapt arbitrary clustering
algorithms to data streams because of one-pass constraints on the data
set. An interesting adaptation of the k-means algorithm has been discussed
in [14] which uses a partitioning based approach on the entire data set. This
approach uses an adaptation of a k-means technique in order to create clusters
over the entire data stream. In the context of data streams, it may be more
desirable to determine clusters in specific user defined horizons rather than on
An Introduction to Data Streams 3
the entire data set. In chapter 2, we discuss the micro-clustering technique [3]
which determines clusters over the entire data set. We also discuss a variety
of applications of micro-clustering which can perform effective summarization
based analysis of the data set. For example, micro-clustering can be extended
to the problem of classification on data streams [5]. In many cases, it can also
be used for arbitrary data mining applications such as privacy preserving data
mining or query estimation.
Data Stream Classification. The problem of classification is perhaps one
of the most widely studied in the context of data stream mining. The problem
of classification is made more difficult by the evolution of the underlying data
stream. Therefore, effective algorithms need to be designed in order to take
temporal locality into account. In chapter 3, we discuss a survey of classification
algorithms for data streams. A wide variety of data stream classification
algorithms are covered in this chapter. Some of these algorithms are designed to
be purely one-pass adaptations of conventional classification algorithms [12],
whereas others (such as the methods in [5, 161) are more effective in accounting
for the evolution of the underlying data stream. Chapter 3 discusses the
different kinds of algorithms and the relative advantages of each.
Frequent Pattern Mining. The problem of frequent pattern mining was
first introduced in [6], and was extensively analyzed for the conventional case
of disk resident data sets. In the case of data streams, one may wish to find the
frequent itemsets either over a sliding window or the entire data stream [15,17].
In Chapter 4, we discuss an overview of the different frequent pattern mining
algorithms, and also provide a detailed discussion of some interesting recent
algorithms on the topic.
Change Detection in Data Streams. As discussed earlier, the patterns
in a data stream may evolve over time. In many cases, it is desirable to track
and analyze the nature of these changes over time. In [I, 1 1, 181, a number of
methods have been discussed for change detection of data streams. In addition,
data stream evolution can also affect the behavior of the underlying data mining
algorithms since the results can become stale over time. Therefore, in Chapter
5, we have discussed the different methods for change detection data streams.
We have also discussed the effect of evolution on data stream mining algorithms.
Stream Cube Analysis of Multi-dimensional Streams. Much of stream
data resides at a multi-dimensional space and at rather low level of abstraction,
whereas most analysts are interested in relatively high-level dynamic changes in
some combination of dimensions. To discover high-level dynamic and evolving
characteristics, one may need to perform multi-level, multi-dimensional on-line
analytical processing (OLAP) of stream data. Such necessity calls for the investigation
of new architectures that may facilitate on-line analytical processing of
multi-dimensional stream data [7, 101.
In Chapter 6, an interesting stream-cube architecture that effectively performs
on-line partial aggregation of multi-dimensional stream data, captures
the essential dynamic and evolving characteristics of data streams, and facilitates
fast OLAP on stream data. Stream cube architecture facilitates online
analytical processing of stream data. It also forms a preliminary structure for
online stream mining. The impact of the design and implementation of stream
cube in the context of stream mining is also discussed in the chapter.
Loadshedding in Data Streams. Since data streams are generated by
processes which are extraneous to the stream processing application, it is not
possible to control the incoming stream rate. As a result, it is necessary for the
system to have the ability to quickly adjust to varying incoming stream processing
rates. Chapter 7 discusses one particular type of adaptivity: the ability
to gracefully degrade performance via "load shedding" (dropping unprocessed
tuples to reduce system load) when the demands placed on the system cannot
be met in full given available resources. Focusing on aggregation queries,
the chapter presents algorithms that determine at what points in a query plan
should load shedding be performed and what amount of load should be shed at
each point in order to minimize the degree of inaccuracy introduced into query
Sliding Window Computations in Data Streams. Many of the synopsis
structures discussed use the entire data stream in order to construct the corresponding
synopsis structure. The sliding-window model of computation is
motivated by the assumption that it is more important to use recent data in data
stream computation [9]. Therefore, the processing and analysis is only done on
a fixed history of the data stream. Chapter 8 formalizes this model of computation
and answers questions about how much space and computation time is
required to solve certain problems under the sliding-window model.
Synopsis Construction in Data Streams. The large volume of data streams
poses unique space and time constraints on the computation process. Many
query processing, database operations, and mining algorithms require efficient
execution which can be difficult to achieve with a fast data stream. In many
cases, it may be acceptable to generate approximate solutions for such problems.
In recent years a number of synopsis structures have been developed,
which can be used in conjunction with a variety of mining and query processing
techniques [13]. Some key synopsis methods include those of sampling,
wavelets, sketches and histograms. In Chapter 9, a survey of the key synopsis
An Introduction to Data Streams 5
techniques is discussed, and the mining techniques supported by such methods.
The chapter discusses the challenges and tradeoffs associated with using different
kinds of techniques, and the important research directions for synopsis
Join Processing in Data Streams. Stream join is a fundamental operation
for relating information from different streams. This is especially useful in
many applications such as sensor networks in which the streams arriving from
different sources may need to be related with one another. In the stream setting,
input tuples arrive continuously, and result tuples need to be produced continuously
as well. We cannot assume that the input data is already stored or indexed,
or that the input rate can be controlled by the query plan. Standard join algorithms
that use blocking operations, e.g., sorting, no longer work. Conventional
methods for cost estimation and query optimization are also inappropriate, because
they assume finite input. Moreover, the long-running nature of stream
queries calls for more adaptive processing strategies that can react to changes
and fluctuations in data and stream characteristics. The "stateful" nature of
stream joins adds another dimension to the challenge. In general, in order to
compute the complete result of a stream join, we need to retain all past arrivals
as part of the processing state, because a new tuple may join with an arbitrarily
old tuple arrived in the past. This problem is exacerbated by unbounded input
streams, limited processing resources, and high performance requirements, as
it is impossible in the long run to keep all past history in fast memory. Chapter
10 provides an overview of research problems, recent advances, and future
research directions in stream join processing.
Indexing Data Streams. The problem of indexing data streams attempts
to create a an indexed representation, so that it is possible to efficiently answer
different kinds of queries such as aggregation queries or trend based queries.
This is especially important in the data stream case because of the huge volume
of the underlying data. Chapter 11 explores the problem of indexing and
querying data streams.
Dimensionality Reduction and Forecasting in Data Streams. Because
of the inherent temporal nature of data streams, the problems of dimensionality
reduction and forecasting and particularly important. When there are a
large number of simultaneous data stream, we can use the correlations between
different data streams in order to make effective predictions [20, 211 on the
future behavior of the data stream. In Chapter 12, an overview of dimensionality
reduction and forecasting methods have been discussed for the problem of
data streams. In particular, the well known MUSCLES method [21] has been
discussed, and its application to data streams have been explored. In addition,
the chapter presents the SPIRIT algorithm, which explores the relationship between
dimensionality reduction and forecasting in data streams. In particular,
the chapter explores the use of a compact number of hidden variables to comprehensively
describe the data stream. This compact representation can also be
used for effective forecasting of the data streams.
Distributed Mining of Data Streams. In many instances, streams are
generated at multiple distributed computing nodes. Analyzing and monitoring
data in such environments requires data mining technology that requires optimization
of a variety of criteria such as communication costs across different
nodes, as well as computational, memory or storage requirements at each node.
A comprehensive survey of the adaptation of different conventional mining algorithms
to the distributed case is provided in Chapter 13. In particular, the
clustering, classification, outlier detection, frequent pattern mining, and surnmarization
problems are discussed. In Chapter 14, some recent advances in
stream mining algorithms are discussed.
Stream Mining in Sensor Networks. With recent advances in hardware
technology, it has become possible to track large amounts of data in a distributed
fashion with the use of sensor technology. The large amounts of data collected
by the sensor nodes makes the problem of monitoring a challenging one from
many technological stand points. Sensor nodes have limited local storage,
computational power, and battery life, as a result of which it is desirable to
minimize the storage, processing and communication from these nodes. The
problem is further magnified by the fact that a given network may have millions
of sensor nodes and therefore it is very expensive to localize all the data at a given
global node for analysis both from a storage and communication point of view.
In Chapter 15, we discuss an overview of a number of stream mining issues
in the context of sensor networks. This topic is closely related to distributed
stream mining, and a number of concepts related to sensor mining have also
been discussed in Chapters 13 and 14.
3. Conclusions and Summary
Data streams are a computational challenge to data mining problems because
of the additional algorithmic constraints created by the large volume of data. In
addition, the problem of temporal locality leads to a number of unique mining
challenges in the data stream case. This chapter provides an overview to the
different mining algorithms which are covered in this book. We discussed the
different problems and the challenges which are associated with each problem.
We also provided an overview of the material in each chapter of the book.
An Intmduction to Data Streams 7
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